/** * @brief Sets the software priority of the specified interrupt source. * @note The modification of the software priority is only possible when
* the interrupts are disabled.
* @note The normal behavior is to disable the interrupt before calling
* this function, and re-enable it after.
* @note The priority level 0 cannot be set (see product specification
* for more details).
* @param IRQn : Specifies the peripheral interrupt source.
* @param ITC_PriorityLevel : Specifies the software priority value to set
* This parameter can be one of the following values:
* @arg ITC_PriorityLevel_0: Software priority level 0 (cannot be written)
* @arg ITC_PriorityLevel_1: Software priority level 1
* @arg ITC_PriorityLevel_2: Software priority level 2
* @arg ITC_PriorityLevel_3: Software priority level 3
* @retval None
void ITC_SetSoftwarePriority(IRQn_TypeDef IRQn, ITC_PriorityLevel_TypeDef ITC_PriorityLevel)
/** * @brief Sets the software priority of the specified interrupt source. * @note The modification of the software priority is only possible when
* the interrupts are disabled.
* @note The normal behavior is to disable the interrupt before calling
* this function, and re-enable it after.
* @note The priority level 0 cannot be set (see product specification
* for more details).
* @param IRQn : Specifies the peripheral interrupt source.
* @param ITC_PriorityLevel : Specifies the software priority value to set
* This parameter can be one of the following values:
* @arg ITC_PriorityLevel_0: Software priority level 0 (cannot be written)
* @arg ITC_PriorityLevel_1: Software priority level 1
* @arg ITC_PriorityLevel_2: Software priority level 2
* @arg ITC_PriorityLevel_3: Software priority level 3
* @retval None
void ITC_SetSoftwarePriority(IRQn_TypeDef IRQn, ITC_PriorityLevel_TypeDef ITC_PriorityLevel)
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