AFR1 Alternate function remapping option 1 (2)
0: AFR1 remapping option inactive: default alternate function(1)
1: Port A3 alternate function = SPI_NSS; port D2 alternate function =TIM2_CH3.
AFR0 Alternate function remapping option 0(2)
0: AFR0 remapping option inactive: Default alternate functions(1)
1: Port C5 alternate function = TIM2_CH1; port C6 alternate function =TIM1_CH1; port C7 alternate function = TIM1_CH2.
1. Refer to the pinout description.
2. Do not use more than one remapping option in the same port. It is forbidden to enable both AFR1 and
这个暂时还没得到答案!为保险起见,决定不使能AFR1,还是修改电路,把 PD2 [TIM2_CH3] 还是换成PA3 TIM2_CH3。
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