..OutputUART_JPEG.axf: Error: L6366E: atk_zbar.o attributes are not compatible with the provided cpu and fpu attributes .
..OutputUART_JPEG.axf: Error: L6367E: atk_zbar.o(.rev16_text) attributes are not compatible with the provided cpu and fpu attributes .
..OutputUART_JPEG.axf: Error: L6367E: atk_zbar.o(.revsh_text) attributes are not compatible with the provided cpu and fpu attributes .
..OutputUART_JPEG.axf: Error: L6367E: atk_zbar.o(.rrx_text) attributes are not compatible with the provided cpu and fpu attributes .
..OutputUART_JPEG.axf: Error: L6367E: atk_zbar.o(i.atk_guess_utf8) attributes are not compatible with the provided cpu and fpu attributes .
..OutputUART_JPEG.axf: Error: L6367E: atk_zbar.o(i.atk_qr_count_gbk) attributes are not compatible with the provided cpu and fpu attributes .
..OutputUART_JPEG.axf: Error: L6367E: atk_zbar.o(i.atk_qr_count_utf8) attributes are not compatible with the provided cpu and fpu attributes .
..OutputUART_JPEG.axf: Error: L6367E: atk_zbar.o(i.atk_qr_decode) attributes are not compatible with the provided cpu and fpu attributes .
..OutputUART_JPEG.axf: Error: L6367E: atk_zbar.o(i.atk_qr_destroy) attributes are not compatible with the provided cpu and fpu attributes .
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