[mw_shl_code=c,true]//-------------- 通讯 -------------
struct COMM{
unsigned int RX_Value[64];
unsigned int RX_Buff[64];
unsigned int TX_Value[64];
unsigned int RX_Sign;
unsigned int TX_Sign;
unsigned int watchdog_count;
unsigned int Err_count;
struct IMU{
short aacx,aacy,aacz; //加速度传感器原始数据
short gyrox,gyroy,gyroz; //陀螺仪原始数据
long axo,ayo,azo; //加速度偏量
long gxo,gyo,gzo; //陀螺仪偏量
float Velocity_X; //x轴角速度
float Velocity_Y; //y轴角速度
float Velocity_Z; //z轴角速度
float Acc_X; //x轴加速度
float Acc_Y; //y轴加速度
float Acc_Z; //z轴加速度
float Temperature; //温度
float pitch,roll,yaw; //欧拉角
float Position_X,Position_Y,Position_Z; //三轴角位置
struct SERVO_REGS{
//------------- 通讯 ------------
struct IMU MUP6050;
struct COMM COM1;
int Timer_10K;
int Timer_1K;
int Timer_2;//2Hz计数器
unsigned int Catch_times;
unsigned int Delay_times;
u8 gyro_buchang_flag;
struct SERVO_REGS ServoRegs;[/mw_shl_code]
[mw_shl_code=c,true]#include "sys.h"
#ifndef _VariableDeclaration_H
#define _VariableDeclaration_H
extern struct SERVO_REGS ServoRegs;
#endif [/mw_shl_code]
..OBJMPU6050.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol ServoRegs (referred from main.o).
友情提示: 此问题已得到解决,问题已经关闭,关闭后问题禁止继续编辑,回答。
// 文件 :
// 标题 : 伺服程序全局变量定义
#ifndef _VariableDeclaration_H
#define _VariableDeclaration_H
#include "sys.h"
//-------------- 通讯 -------------
struct COMM{
unsigned int RX_Value[64];
unsigned int RX_Buff[64];
unsigned int TX_Value[64];
unsigned int RX_Sign;
unsigned int TX_Sign;
unsigned int watchdog_count;
unsigned int Err_count;
struct IMU{
short aacx,aacy,aacz; //加速度传感器原始数据
short gyrox,gyroy,gyroz; //陀螺仪原始数据
long axo,ayo,azo; //加速度偏量
long gxo,gyo,gzo; //陀螺仪偏量
float Velocity_X; //x轴角速度
float Velocity_Y; //y轴角速度
float Velocity_Z; //z轴角速度
float Acc_X; //x轴加速度
float Acc_Y; //y轴加速度
float Acc_Z; //z轴加速度
float Temperature; //温度
float pitch,roll,yaw; //欧拉角
float Position_X,Position_Y,Position_Z; //三轴角位置
struct SERVO_REGS{
//------------- 通讯 ------------
struct IMU MUP6050;
struct COMM COM1;
int Timer_10K;
int Timer_1K;
int Timer_2;//2Hz计数器
unsigned int Catch_times;
unsigned int Delay_times;
u8 gyro_buchang_flag;
extern struct SERVO_REGS ServoRegs;
..OBJMPU6050.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol ServoRegs (referred from main.o).
若把最后的定义extern去掉改为 struct SERVO_REGS ServoRegs 就会提示
..OBJMPU6050.axf: Error: L6200E: Symbol ServoRegs multiply defined (by userdefined.o and main.o).
..OBJMPU6050.axf: Error: L6200E: Symbol ServoRegs multiply defined (by timer.o and main.o).
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