TSL2561光强传感器,直接在F4开发板《实验24 IIC实验》上改的。myiic.h和myiic.c文件未更改。添加了tsl2561.h和tsl2561.c两个文件,并更改了main函数。 TSL2561地址用的float,读地址是0x73,写是0x72。
Lux计算函数是从TSL2561手册上Copy来的,unsigned int CalculateLux(unsigned int iGain, unsigned int tInt, unsigned int ch0, unsigned int ch1, int iType);
#include "tsl2561.h"
#include "delay.h"
void tsl2561_Init(void)
TSL2561_WriteOneByte(0x80,0x03); //设置TSL2561为开启状态
TSL2561_WriteOneByte(0x81,0x02); //设置TSL2561的Timing寄存器--积分增益1x且积分时间402ms
//ReadAddr :开始读数的寄存器地址
//返回值temp :读到的数据
uchar TSL2561_ReadOneByte(u16 ReadAddr)
u8 temp=0;
IIC_Send_Byte(0x72); //发送器件地址+Wr----float(0111 001_ + 0)--0X72
IIC_Send_Byte(ReadAddr); //发送Command
IIC_Send_Byte(0X73); //发送器件地址+Rd----float(0111 001_ + 1)--0X73
temp=IIC_Read_Byte(1); //发送ASK, 1字节存入temp
return temp;
//WriteAddr :写入数据的目的寄存器地址
void TSL2561_WriteOneByte(u16 WriteAddr,u8 DataToWrite)
IIC_Send_Byte(0X72); //发送器件地址0X72
IIC_Send_Byte(WriteAddr); //发送Command
IIC_Send_Byte(DataToWrite); //发送字节
long Calculate_ch0(int DataLow0, int DataHigh0)
long ch0;
ch0 = 256*DataHigh0 + DataLow0;
return ch0;
long Calculate_ch1(int DataLow1, int DataHigh1)
int ch1;
ch1 = 256*DataHigh1 + DataLow1;
return ch1;
// int DataLow0 = TSL2561_ReadOneByte(DATA0LOW);
// DataHigh0 = TSL2561_ReadOneByte(DATA0HIGH);
// //ch0 = 256*DataHigh0 + DataLow0;
// DataLow1 = TSL2561_ReadOneByte(DATA1LOW);
// DataHigh1 = TSL2561_ReadOneByte(DATA1HIGH);
// ch1 = 256*DataHigh1 + DataLow1;
// delay_ms(100);
// //Ratio_Scale = Channel1/Channel0;
// if(0.0<Channel1/Channel0&&Channel1/Channel0<=0.50) Light=(0.0304*Channel0-0.062*Channel0*((Channel1/Channel0)^1.4));
// if(0.50<Channel1/Channel0&&Channel1/Channel0<=0.61) Light=(0.0224*Channel0-0.031*Channel1);
// if(0.61<Channel1/Channel0&&Channel1/Channel0<=0.80) Light=(0.0128*Channel0-0.0153*Channel1);
// if(0.80<Channel1/Channel0&&Channel1/Channel0<=1.30) Light=(0.00146*Channel0-0.00112*Channel1);
// if(Channel1/Channel0>1.30)Light=0;
// delay_ms(100);
#define LUX_SCALE 14 // scale by 2^14
#define RATIO_SCALE 9 // 比例系数----scale ratio by 2^9
// Integration time scaling factors - 积分时间比例因子
#define CH_SCALE 10 // scale channel values by 2^10
#define CHSCALE_TINT0 0x7517 // 322/11 * 2^CH_SCALE = 29975
#define CHSCALE_TINT1 0x0fe7 // 322/81 * 2^CH_SCALE = 4071
// T, FN, and CL Package coefficients(系数)
// For Ch1/Ch0=0.00 to 0.50
// Lux/Ch0=0.0304-0.062*((Ch1/Ch0)^1.4)
// piecewise approximation
// For Ch1/Ch0=0.00 to 0.125:
// Lux/Ch0=0.0304-0.0272*(Ch1/Ch0)
// For Ch1/Ch0=0.125 to 0.250:
// Lux/Ch0=0.0325-0.0440*(Ch1/Ch0)
// For Ch1/Ch0=0.250 to 0.375:
// Lux/Ch0=0.0351-0.0544*(Ch1/Ch0)
// For Ch1/Ch0=0.375 to 0.50:
// Lux/Ch0=0.0381-0.0624*(Ch1/Ch0)
// For Ch1/Ch0=0.50 to 0.61:
// Lux/Ch0=0.0224-0.031*(Ch1/Ch0)
// For Ch1/Ch0=0.61 to 0.80:
// Lux/Ch0=0.0128-0.0153*(Ch1/Ch0)
// For Ch1/Ch0=0.80 to 1.30:
// Lux/Ch0=0.00146-0.00112*(Ch1/Ch0)
// For Ch1/Ch0>1.3:
// Lux/Ch0=0
#define K1T 0x0040 // 0.125 * 2^RATIO_SCALE
#define B1T 0x01f2 // 0.0304 * 2^LUX_SCALE
#define M1T 0x01be // 0.0272 * 2^LUX_SCALE
#define K2T 0x0080 // 0.250 * 2^RATIO_SCALE
#define B2T 0x0214 // 0.0325 * 2^LUX_SCALE
#define M2T 0x02d1 // 0.0440 * 2^LUX_SCALE
#define K3T 0x00c0 // 0.375 * 2^RATIO_SCALE
#define B3T 0x023f // 0.0351 * 2^LUX_SCALE
#define M3T 0x037b // 0.0544 * 2^LUX_SCALE
#define K4T 0x0100 // 0.50 * 2^RATIO_SCALE
#define B4T 0x0270 // 0.0381 * 2^LUX_SCALE
#define M4T 0x03fe // 0.0624 * 2^LUX_SCALE
#define K5T 0x0138 // 0.61 * 2^RATIO_SCALE
#define B5T 0x016f // 0.0224 * 2^LUX_SCALE
#define M5T 0x01fc // 0.0310 * 2^LUX_SCALE
#define K6T 0x019a // 0.80 * 2^RATIO_SCALE
#define B6T 0x00d2 // 0.0128 * 2^LUX_SCALE
#define M6T 0x00fb // 0.0153 * 2^LUX_SCALE
#define K7T 0x029a // 1.3 * 2^RATIO_SCALE
#define B7T 0x0018 // 0.00146 * 2^LUX_SCALE
#define M7T 0x0012 // 0.00112 * 2^LUX_SCALE
#define K8T 0x029a // 1.3 * 2^RATIO_SCALE
#define B8T 0x0000 // 0.000 * 2^LUX_SCALE
#define M8T 0x0000 // 0.000 * 2^LUX_SCALE
// CS package coefficients
// For 0 <= Ch1/Ch0 <= 0.52
// Lux/Ch0 = 0.0315-0.0593*((Ch1/Ch0)^1.4)
// piecewise approximation
// For 0 <= Ch1/Ch0 <= 0.13
// Lux/Ch0 = 0.0315-0.0262*(Ch1/Ch0)
// For 0.13 <= Ch1/Ch0 <= 0.26
// Lux/Ch0 = 0.0337-0.0430*(Ch1/Ch0)
// For 0.26 <= Ch1/Ch0 <= 0.39
// Lux/Ch0 = 0.0363?0.0529*(Ch1/Ch0)
// For 0.39 <= Ch1/Ch0 <= 0.52
// Lux/Ch0 = 0.0392-0.0605*(Ch1/Ch0)
// For 0.52 < Ch1/Ch0 <= 0.65
// Lux/Ch0 = 0.0229-0.0291*(Ch1/Ch0)
// For 0.65 < Ch1/Ch0 <= 0.80
// Lux/Ch0 = 0.00157-0.00180*(Ch1/Ch0)
// For 0.80 < Ch1/Ch0 <= 1.30
// Lux/Ch0 = 0.00338-0.00260*(Ch1/Ch0)
// For Ch1/Ch0 > 1.30
// Lux = 0
#define K1C 0x0043 // 0.130 * 2^RATIO_SCALE
#define B1C 0x0204 // 0.0315 * 2^LUX_SCALE
#define M1C 0x01ad // 0.0262 * 2^LUX_SCALE
#define K2C 0x0085 // 0.260 * 2^RATIO_SCALE
#define B2C 0x0228 // 0.0337 * 2^LUX_SCALE
#define M2C 0x02c1 // 0.0430 * 2^LUX_SCALE
#define K3C 0x00c8 // 0.390 * 2^RATIO_SCALE
#define B3C 0x0253 // 0.0363 * 2^LUX_SCALE
#define M3C 0x0363 // 0.0529 * 2^LUX_SCALE
#define K4C 0x010a // 0.520 * 2^RATIO_SCALE
#define B4C 0x0282 // 0.0392 * 2^LUX_SCALE
#define M4C 0x03df // 0.0605 * 2^LUX_SCALE
#define K5C 0x014d // 0.65 * 2^RATIO_SCALE
#define B5C 0x0177 // 0.0229 * 2^LUX_SCALE
#define M5C 0x01dd // 0.0291 * 2^LUX_SCALE
#define K6C 0x019a // 0.80 * 2^RATIO_SCALE
#define B6C 0x0101 // 0.0157 * 2^LUX_SCALE
#define M6C 0x0127 // 0.0180 * 2^LUX_SCALE
#define K7C 0x029a // 1.3 * 2^RATIO_SCALE
#define B7C 0x0037 // 0.00338 * 2^LUX_SCALE
#define M7C 0x002b // 0.00260 * 2^LUX_SCALE
#define K8C 0x029a // 1.3 * 2^RATIO_SCALE
#define B8C 0x0000 // 0.000 * 2^LUX_SCALE
#define M8C 0x0000 // 0.000 * 2^LUX_SCALE
// 无浮点计算的Lux近似计算方程----lux equation approximation without floating point calculations
// Routine: unsigned int CalculateLux(unsigned int ch0, unsigned int ch0, int iType)
// Description: Calculate the approximate illuminance (lux) given the raw
// channel values of the TSL2560. The equation if implemented
// as a piece-wise linear approximation.----分段线性近似
// Arguments: unsigned int iGain - gain, where 0:1X, 1:16X -- 积分增益
// unsigned int tInt - integration time, where 0:13.7mS, 1:100mS, 2:402mS, 3:Manual -- 积分时间
// unsigned int ch0 - raw channel value from channel 0 of TSL2560 -- 通道0初值
// unsigned int ch1 - raw channel value from channel 1 of TSL2560 -- 通道1初值
// unsigned int iType - package type (T or CS) -- 封装类型
// Return: unsigned int - the approximate illuminance (lux) -- 返回近似的Lux
unsigned int CalculateLux(unsigned int iGain, unsigned int tInt, unsigned int ch0, unsigned int ch1, int iType)
// first, scale the channel values depending on the gain and integration time 16X, 402mS is nominal.
// scale if integration time is NOT 402 msec
// 首先,根据增益和积分时间,衡量通道值
unsigned long chScale;
unsigned long channel1;
unsigned long channel0;
unsigned long ratio;
unsigned long ratio1;
unsigned int b, m;
unsigned long temp;
unsigned long lux;
switch (tInt)
case 0: // 13.7 msec
chScale = CHSCALE_TINT0;
case 1: // 101 msec
chScale = CHSCALE_TINT1;
default: // assume no scaling
chScale = (1 << CH_SCALE);
// scale if gain is NOT 16X
if (!iGain) chScale = chScale << 4; // scale 1X to 16X
// scale the channel values
channel0 = (ch0 * chScale) >> CH_SCALE;
channel1 = (ch1 * chScale) >> CH_SCALE;
// find the ratio of the channel values (Channel1/Channel0)
// protect against divide by zero
ratio1 = 0;
if (channel0 != 0) ratio1 = (channel1 << (RATIO_SCALE+1)) / channel0;
// round the ratio value
ratio = (ratio1 + 1) >> 1;
// is ratio <= eachBreak ?
//unsigned int b, m;
switch (iType)
case 0: // T, FN and CL package
if ((ratio >= 0) && (ratio <= K1T))
{b=B1T; m=M1T;}
else if (ratio <= K2T)
{b=B2T; m=M2T;}
else if (ratio <= K3T)
{b=B3T; m=M3T;}
else if (ratio <= K4T)
{b=B4T; m=M4T;}
else if (ratio <= K5T)
{b=B5T; m=M5T;}
else if (ratio <= K6T)
{b=B6T; m=M6T;}
else if (ratio <= K7T)
{ b=B7T; m=M7T;}
else if (ratio > K8T)
{b=B8T; m=M8T;}
case 1:// CS package
if ((ratio >= 0) && (ratio <= K1C))
{b=B1C; m=M1C;}
else if (ratio <= K2C)
{b=B2C; m=M2C;}
else if (ratio <= K3C)
{b=B3C; m=M3C;}
else if (ratio <= K4C)
{b=B4C; m=M4C;}
else if (ratio <= K5C)
{b=B5C; m=M5C;}
else if (ratio <= K6C)
{b=B6C; m=M6C;}
else if (ratio <= K7C)
{b=B7C; m=M7C;}
else if (ratio > K8C)
{b=B8C; m=M8C;}
//unsigned long temp;
temp = ((channel0 * b) - (channel1 * m));
// do not allow negative lux value
if (temp < 0) temp = 0;
// round lsb (2^(LUX_SCALE?1))
temp += (1 << (LUX_SCALE-1));
// strip off fractional portion
lux = temp >> LUX_SCALE;
#ifndef TSL2561_H
#define TSL2561_H
#include "myiic.h"
#define uchar unsigned char
#define TIMING 0x81
#define DATA0LOW 0x8C
#define DATA0HIGH 0x8D
#define DATA1LOW 0x8E
#define DATA1HIGH 0x8F
void tsl2561_Init(void);
u8 TSL2561_ReadOneByte(u16 ReadAddr); //指定地址读取一个字节
void TSL2561_WriteOneByte(u16 WriteAddr,u8 DataToWrite); //指定地址写入一个字节
unsigned int CalculateLux(unsigned int iGain, unsigned int tInt, unsigned int ch0, unsigned int ch1, int iType);
#include "sys.h"
#include "delay.h"
#include "usart.h"
#include "led.h"
#include "lcd.h"
#include "key.h"
#include "tsl2561.h"
//extern unsigned int lux;
int main(void)
unsigned int ch0, ch1, lux;
lux = CalculateLux(0, 2, ch0, ch1, 0);
printf("Light:%lld lux
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