*** Using Compiler 'V5.06 update 3 (build 300)', folder: 'C:Keil_v5ARMARMCCBin'
Build target 'Target 1'
..OBJSuccess.axf: Error: L6266E: RWPI Section anon$$obj.o(PDT$$ptr) cannot be assigned to non-PI Exec region RW_IRAM1.
..OBJSuccess.axf: Error: L6266E: RWPI Section system_stm32f4xx.o(.data) cannot be assigned to non-PI Exec region RW_IRAM1.
..OBJSuccess.axf: Error: L6266E: RWPI Section stm32f4xx_hal.o(.data) cannot be assigned to non-PI Exec region RW_IRAM1.
..OBJSuccess.axf: Error: L6266E: RWPI Section stm32f4xx_hal_timebase_tim_template.o(.bss) cannot be assigned to non-PI Exec region RW_IRAM1.
..OBJSuccess.axf: Error: L6266E: RWPI Section libspace.o(.bss) cannot be assigned to non-PI Exec region RW_IRAM1.
..OBJSuccess.axf: Error: L6241E: startup_stm32f429xx.o(RESET) cannot use the address of 'RWPI (R9 used as SB)' function NMI_Handler as the image contains 'USESV6 (R9 used as V6)' functions.
..OBJSuccess.axf: Error: L6241E: startup_stm32f429xx.o(RESET) cannot use the address of 'RWPI (R9 used as SB)' function HardFault_Handler as the image contains 'USESV6 (R9 used as V6)' functions.
..OBJSuccess.axf: Error: L6241E: startup_stm32f429xx.o(RESET) cannot use the address of 'RWPI (R9 used as SB)' function MemManage_Handler as the image contains 'USESV6 (R9 used as V6)' functions.
..OBJSuccess.axf: Error: L6241E: startup_stm32f429xx.o(RESET) cannot use the address of 'RWPI (R9 used as SB)' function BusFault_Handler as the image contains 'USESV6 (R9 used as V6)' functions.
..OBJSuccess.axf: Error: L6241E: startup_stm32f429xx.o(RESET) cannot use the address of 'RWPI (R9 used as SB)' function UsageFault_Handler as the image contains 'USESV6 (R9 used as V6)' functions.
..OBJSuccess.axf: Error: L6241E: startup_stm32f429xx.o(RESET) cannot use the address of 'RWPI (R9 used as SB)' function SVC_Handler as the image contains 'USESV6 (R9 used as V6)' functions.
..OBJSuccess.axf: Error: L6241E: startup_stm32f429xx.o(RESET) cannot use the address of 'RWPI (R9 used as SB)' function DebugMon_Handler as the image contains 'USESV6 (R9 used as V6)' functions.
..OBJSuccess.axf: Error: L6241E: startup_stm32f429xx.o(RESET) cannot use the address of 'RWPI (R9 used as SB)' function PendSV_Handler as the image contains 'USESV6 (R9 used as V6)' functions.
..OBJSuccess.axf: Error: L6241E: startup_stm32f429xx.o(RESET) cannot use the address of 'RWPI (R9 used as SB)' function SysTick_Handler as the image contains 'USESV6 (R9 used as V6)' functions.
..OBJSuccess.axf: Error: L6241E: startup_stm32f429xx.o(RESET) cannot use the address of 'RWPI (R9 used as SB)' function TIM6_DAC_IRQHandler as the image contains 'USESV6 (R9 used as V6)' functions.
..OBJSuccess.axf: Error: L6241E: startup_stm32f429xx.o(.text) cannot use the address of 'RWPI (R9 used as SB)' function SystemInit as the image contains 'USESV6 (R9 used as V6)' functions.
..OBJSuccess.axf: Error: L6241E: startup_stm32f429xx.o(.text) cannot use the address of 'RWPI (R9 used as SB)' function __main as the image contains 'USESV6 (R9 used as V6)' functions.
..OBJSuccess.axf: Error: L6241E: stm32f4xx_hal_tim.o(.text) cannot use the address of 'RWPI (R9 used as SB)' function TIM_DMAPeriodElapsedCplt as the image contains 'USESV6 (R9 used as V6)' functions.
..OBJSuccess.axf: Error: L6241E: stm32f4xx_hal_tim.o(.text) cannot use the address of 'RWPI (R9 used as SB)' function TIM_DMAError as the image contains 'USESV6 (R9 used as V6)' functions.
..OBJSuccess.axf: Error: L6241E: stm32f4xx_hal_tim.o(.text) cannot use the address of 'RWPI (R9 used as SB)' function TIM_DMAPeriodElapsedCplt as the image contains 'USESV6 (R9 used as V6)' functions.
..OBJSuccess.axf: Error: L6241E: stm32f4xx_hal_tim.o(.text) cannot use the address of 'RWPI (R9 used as SB)' function TIM_DMAError as the image contains 'USESV6 (R9 used as V6)' functions.
..OBJSuccess.axf: Error: L6241E: stm32f4xx_hal_tim.o(.text) cannot use the address of 'RWPI (R9 used as SB)' function TIM_DMADelayPulseCplt as the image contains 'USESV6 (R9 used as V6)' functions.
..OBJSuccess.axf: Error: L6241E: stm32f4xx_hal_tim.o(.text) cannot use the address of 'RWPI (R9 used as SB)' function TIMEx_DMACommutationCplt as the image contains 'USESV6 (R9 used as V6)' functions.
..OBJSuccess.axf: Error: L6241E: stm32f4xx_hal_tim.o(.text) cannot use the address of 'RWPI (R9 used as SB)' function TIM_DMATriggerCplt as the image contains 'USESV6 (R9 used as V6)' functions.
..OBJSuccess.axf: Error: L6241E: stm32f4xx_hal_tim.o(.text) cannot use the address of 'RWPI (R9 used as SB)' function TIM_DMACaptureCplt as the image contains 'USESV6 (R9 used as V6)' functions.
..OBJSuccess.axf: Error: L6241E: stm32f4xx_hal_tim_ex.o(.text) cannot use the address of 'RWPI (R9 used as SB)' function TIM_DMACaptureCplt as the image contains 'USESV6 (R9 used as V6)' functions.
..OBJSuccess.axf: Error: L6241E: stm32f4xx_hal_tim_ex.o(.text) cannot use the address of 'RWPI (R9 used as SB)' function TIM_DMAError as the image contains 'USESV6 (R9 used as V6)' functions.
..OBJSuccess.axf: Error: L6241E: stm32f4xx_hal_tim_ex.o(.text) cannot use the address of 'RWPI (R9 used as SB)' function TIM_DMADelayPulseCplt as the image contains 'USESV6 (R9 used as V6)' functions.
..OBJSuccess.axf: Error: L6241E: stm32f4xx_hal_tim_ex.o(.text) cannot use the address of 'RWPI (R9 used as SB)' function TIM_DMADelayPulseCplt as the image contains 'USESV6 (R9 used as V6)' functions.
..OBJSuccess.axf: Error: L6241E: stm32f4xx_hal_tim_ex.o(.text) cannot use the address of 'RWPI (R9 used as SB)' function TIM_DMAError as the image contains 'USESV6 (R9 used as V6)' functions.
..OBJSuccess.axf: Error: L6241E: stm32f4xx_hal_tim_ex.o(.text) cannot use the address of 'RWPI (R9 used as SB)' function TIM_DMAError as the image contains 'USESV6 (R9 used as V6)' functions.
Finished: 0 information, 0 warning and 31 error messages.
"..OBJSuccess.axf" - 31 Error(s), 0 Warning(s).
Target not created.
Build Time Elapsed: 00:00:01
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