
2019-07-21 08:59发布

硬件复位时:This will reset the device such that all registers will be reinitialized to default values and the hardware configuration values will be re-latched into the device (similar to the power-up/reset operation).

软件复位时:The software reset will reset the device such that all registers will be reset to default values and the hardware configuration values will be maintained. Software driver code must wait 3 ?s following a software reset before allowing further serial MII operations with the DP83848C

区别在于the hardware configuration values will be re-latched 和the hardware configuration values will be maintained 

首先我不太明白all registers和the hardware configuration values 的区别。然后maintain是保持,re-latched从字面上看是重新锁存?

友情提示: 此问题已得到解决,问题已经关闭,关闭后问题禁止继续编辑,回答。