cc2541 sensor 时序 i2c

2019-07-25 13:51发布

* @fn          HalSensorReadReg
* @brief       This function implements the I2C protocol to read from a sensor. The sensor must
*              be selected before this routine is called.
* @param       addr - which register to read
* @param       pBuf - pointer to buffer to place data
* @param       nBytes - numbver of bytes to read
* @return      TRUE if the required number of bytes are reveived
bool HalSensorReadReg(uint8 addr, uint8 *pBuf, uint8 nBytes)
  uint8 i = 0;

  /* Send address we're reading from */
  if (HalI2CWrite(1,&addr) == 1)
    /* Now read data */
    i = HalI2CRead(nBytes,pBuf);

  return i == nBytes;

第一张图是eeprom的读操作,然后上面的代码是TI 协议栈里的sensor的.  然后我看了下代码,里面的i2c时序和eeprom里datesheet的时序不一样。

   START -> device_write->write_byte_address->STOP    START  -> device_read ->data_out -> NACK -> STOPeeprom 的datesheet显示的i2c时序是:   START -> device_write->write_byte_address->write_byte_address->    START  -> device_read ->data_out -> NACK -> STOP2者的区别就是在read操作时,先要写一个byte地址(从哪开始读),TI是写完byte地址后STOP然后重新START而eeprom  datesheet里显示的是写完byte地址后,没有STOP,直接重新START.

so i think it should be START  ....  START ..... STOPbut it's                START........STOP.......START.......STOP.所以希望有能人异士给我解答下,应该如果下手。
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2019-07-26 05:52

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