
2019-08-05 18:22发布

Error connecting to the target:
Error 0x80000244/-1137
Fatal Error during: Register, Initialization, OCS,

It appears that the target is being held in reset.  This may be
due to Wait-In-Reset (WIR) configuration set by the EMU0=0
and EMU1=1 pin settings.  If this is the case, DISCONNECT
all CONNECTED devices including icepick and then select
RETRY to clear the WIR configuration.

If this is a multi-core system, the master CPU may not be
releasing the DSP/MCU from reset.  Please check your
configuration in CC_setup and/or your GEL file to ensure that
nothing is blocking the DSP/MCU from being released from reset

Sequence ID: 0
Error Code: -1137
Error Class: 0x80000244
I/O Port = 0

Board Name: C6437 SEEDXDS510PLUS Emulator
Cpu Name: C6400PLUS_0

友情提示: 此问题已得到解决,问题已经关闭,关闭后问题禁止继续编辑,回答。
2019-08-05 23:36
断电以后程序还是保存在单片机里面的,核查下 上电下程序和断电后再运行程序 有什么不一样,程序结束的地方放了while(1)没有?估计程序跑飞了

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