The STM32 Standard Peripheral libraries to STM32Cube low-layer APIS Migration tool is designed to help developers to easy migrate their source code based on STM32 SPL drivers to any other STM32 series supporting STM32Cube Low-Layer drivers.It ensures full migration within a given STM32 serie and partial migration across-STM32-series. The migration is possible only for STM32 peripherals covered by STM32Cube LL drivers (for more details on migration processes please refer to the AN5044 : STM32 standard Peripheral Libraries(SPLs) to STM32Cube Low-Layer APIs application notes)
The STM32 SPL2LL-Converter migration tool migrates the user code based SPL using the equivalence between STM32 SPL and STM32Cube-LL for each peripheral as represented in the links below:
[img=0,13][/img]ADC[/url][url="][img=0,13][/img]COMP[/url][url="][img=0,13][/img]CRC[/url][url="][img=0,13][/img]CRS[/url][url="][img=0,13][/img]DAC[/url][url="][img=0,13][/img]DMA[/url][url="][img=0,13][/img]DMA2D[/url][url="][img=0,13][/img]EXTI[/url][url="][img=0,13][/img]GPIO[img=0,13][/img]HRTIM[img=0,13][/img]I2C[/url][url="][img=0,13][/img]IWDG[/url][url="][img=0,13][/img]LPTIM[/url][url="][img=0,13][/img]MISC[/url][url="][img=0,13][/img]OPAMP[/url][url="][img=0,13][/img]PWR[/url][url="][img=0,13][/img]RCC[/url][url="][img=0,13][/img]RNG[/url][url="][img=0,13][/img]RTC[/url][url="][img=0,13][/img]SPI[/url][url="][img=0,13][/img]SYSTEM[/url][url="][img=0,13][/img]TIM[/url][url="][img=0,13][/img]USART[/url][url="][img=0,13][/img]WWDG[img=14,12][/img]In addition to the STM32 peripherals, the STM32 SPL2LL-Converter migration tool ensure migration for the STM32 target device using the equivalence table represented in the link below:
LL 库 目前 支持 哪些个 ST32家族 的 CPU ??
我先列举我常用的 STM32 家族 CPU ——
STM32 F030 ,F103 ,F407 ,F767 四类。
STM32CubeMX 俺目前 是 4.19 版本的 ,
是否 还需要 去哪儿 单独下载 LL库 ,
然后 安装在 CubeMX 4.19 版本里面 ??
再麻烦楼主 直接上传一个 CubeMX 工程
例如【My415_1.ioc】——这种 ioc 文件 。。
这样 就能直观的 看到 LL库 究竟如何用 。。
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