
2019-03-25 08:48发布

下面这段代码在quartus II中编译的时候提示语法错误,请问错在哪里?
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;entity address3960 is         port( CLOCK , RESET   : in std_logic ;        address_data1  : out std_logic_vector(11 downto 0));end address3960 ;architecture rtl of address3960 issignal CLK1  : std_logic ; -------------------------------internal_clocksignal count_f_counter : std_logic_vector(16 downto 0) ;signal count_CLK: std_logic_vector(8 downto 0) ; -----------internal_signal_9bitssignal count_datstd_logic_vector(11 downto 0) ;  -----------internal_signal_12bitsbegin ---Counter----------------------------------------------------------------------------process (CLOCK,RESET)    begin       if (RESET = '1') then      count_CLK<="000000000"; --------------------------9bits_o         CLK1 <= '0' ;             elsif (CLOCK'event and CLOCK = '1') then         if (count_CLK< "111110011") then ------------------9bits_499             count_CLK <= count_CLK + '1';             clk1<='0'; elsif (count_CLK = "111110011" ) then --------------499             count_CLK <= "000000000";          clk1<='1';          end if;  end process; ---Calling_rom_address------------------------------------------------------------ process (CLK1,RESET)    begin       if (RESET = '1') then     count_data1 <= "000000000000" ; ------------------------------8bits_0      elsif (CLK1'event and CLK1 = '1') then if (count_data1 < "111101110111") then -----------------------8bits_3959       count_data1 <= count_data1 + '1';  elsif (count_data1 = "111101110111" ) then -------------------8bits_3959        count_data1 <= "000000000000";             end if; end if; end process ;         address_data1 <= count_data1 ;end rtl; 此帖出自小平头技术问答
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