input CLK_IN; //40Mhz input CLK_RST; //全局复位信号
output SYS_CLK;//输出20Mhz时钟信号 output MAC_CLK;//7.5Mhz output DIN_CLK;//60Mhz output CB_CLK;//80Mhz output SYS_CLK_D;//40Mhz output LOCKED;//时钟锁定信号,高电平锁定,锁定期间所有时钟正常工作
wire RST; //RST is the core reset signal enabled with high level wire LOCKED_OUT1; //Output of the DCM1 that activates after the DCM has achieved lock wire SYS_CLK; //Clock divide output of the DCM1 by 2 wire CB_CLK; //Clock double output of the DCM1 wire DCM2_CLK; //Frequency synthesizer output to the DCM1 by 2/3 wire SYS_CLK_D; //The clock output same as input clock of DCM1 wire CLK_IN2; //Clock for generating MAC_CLK reg LOCKED; reg MAC_CLK; //Clock divide output of the DCM1 by 8 wire DIN_CLK; reg lock_reg; reg lock_reg1; reg lock_reg2; assign DCM2_CEN=~lock_reg2; assign RST=~CLK_RST; //RST is the core reset signal enabled with high level. wire RST2; assign RST2=lock_reg2; //Digital clock management block1 is used to generate clocks with the frequency//of 20MHz, 40MHz, 80 MHz and 60MHz. The last one will be used as the clock to //generator 7.5MHz.
endmodule[/code]各位达人们,我想请问一下:XILINX中DCM部分??那么用Altera的板子,PLL该怎么实现啊 ?? 尤其是 .CLKIN_IBUFG_OUT(clk_reg) 这个怎么解释啊 ?看不懂啊 ? 这个在Altera板子上怎么实线 ??感谢,万分感谢。小弟在做论文啊...OFDM系统
.CLKIN_IBUFG_OUT(clk_reg) 这个不是直接调用吗。
ALTER 的板子直接调用PLL模块,配置分频系数和倍频系数,即可输出需要的频率。
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