最近在学习UCGUI一段时间了,终于成功移植了UCGUI里面的大部分源码,感觉移植代码量还是比较大的,不过倒是GUI_Delay();对于很多菜鸟可能会搞不懂,下面就说一下关于按照原子论坛里的教程成功移植UCGUI3.90后,会发现GUI_Delay();这个函数一调用程序就会卡在这个函数里面,修改一下底层函数,即使没加入操作系统,只移植了UCGUI也可以调用GUI_Delay(); ffice
ffice" />
uC/OS-II使用OSTimeDly()函数实现延时,其单位是OS_TICKS,即延时多少个系统节拍。GUI使用GUI_Delay()函数延时,同时也实现显示刷新;基于同一个平台,估计也会调用OSTimeDly()函数以实现基本的延时功能。 下面分析GUI_Delay()函数功能 void GUI_Delay(int 
eriod) {
int EndTime = GUI_GetTime()+Period; int tRem; /* remaining Time */ GUI_ASSERT_NO_LOCK();
while (tRem = EndTime- GUI_GetTime(), tRem>0) { GUI_Exec();
GUI_X_Delay((tRem >5) ? 5: tRem); } }
跟踪GUI_X_Delay()函数,在GUI_X_uCOS.C文件中实现。 void GUI_X_Delay (int period) {
INT32U ticks;
ticks = (period * 1000) / OS_TICKS_PER_SEC; OSTimeDly((INT16U)ticks); }
找到:c文件: GUI_X.C
* uC/GUI
* Universal graphic software for embedded applications
* (c) Copyright 2002, Micrium Inc., ffice:smarttags" />Weston, FL
* (c) Copyright 2002, SEGGER Microcontroller Systeme GmbH
* 礐/GUI is protected by international copyright laws. Knowledge of the
* source code may not be used to write a similar product. This file may
* only be used in accordance with a license and should not be redistributed
* in any way. We appreciate your understanding and fairness.
File : GUI_X.C
Purpose : Config / System dependent externals for GUI
#include "GUI.h"
#include "GUI_X.h"
* Global data
volatile int OS_TimeMS;
* Timing:
* GUI_X_GetTime()
* GUI_X_Delay(int)
Some timing dependent routines require a GetTime
and delay function. Default time unit (tick), normally is
1 ms.
int GUI_X_GetTime(void) {
return OS_TimeMS;
void GUI_X_Delay(int ms) {
int tEnd = OS_TimeMS + ms;
while ((tEnd - OS_TimeMS) > 0);
* GUI_X_Init()
* Note:
* GUI_X_Init() is called from GUI_Init is a possibility to init
* some hardware which needs to be up and running before the GUI.
* If not required, leave this routine blank.
void GUI_X_Init(void) {}
* GUI_X_ExecIdle
* Note:
* Called if WM is in idle state
void GUI_X_ExecIdle(void) {}
* Logging: OS dependent
Logging is used in higher debug levels only. The typical target
build does not use logging and does therefor not require any of
the logging routines below. For a release build without logging
the routines below may be eliminated to save some space.
(If the linker is not function aware and eliminates unreferenced
functions automatically)
void GUI_X_Log (const char *s) { GUI_USE_PARA(s); }
void GUI_X_Warn (const char *s) { GUI_USE_PARA(s); }
void GUI_X_ErrorOut(const char *s) { GUI_USE_PARA(s); }
修改volatile int OS_TimeMS;
可以使用STM32的系统嘀嗒定时器systick();设置好作为GUI_Delay()的时钟节拍,然后让滴答定时器作为volatile int OS_TimeMS;的时钟,就可以调UCGU的延时函数了。
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