STM32F103 关于I2S从接收配置问题

2019-10-16 01:56发布

本帖最后由 jameszhou 于 2016-9-5 15:49 编辑

因我需用STM32F103ZE SPI3 I2S采样已有的音频数据,在配置时看SPEC中有提到                                                                                                                           Reception sequence
The operating mode is the same as for the transmission mode except for the point 1. where
the configuration should set the master reception mode using the I2SCFG[1:0] bits in the
SPI_I2SCFGR register.

Bit 9:8 I2SCFG: I2S configuration mode
00: Slave - transmit
01: Slave - receive
10: Master - transmit
11: Master - receive
Note: This bit should be configured when the I2S is disabled.
Not used for the SPI mode


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