
2019-03-25 09:24发布

ERROR:HDLCompiler:69 - "C:Documents and Settingscounter op.vhd" Line 51: <rising_edge> is not declared.
ERROR:HDLCompiler:69 - "C:Documents and Settingscounter op.vhd" Line 49: <rst> is not declared.
ERROR:HDLCompiler:69 - "C:Documents and Settingscounter op.vhd" Line 47: <clk> is not declared.
ERROR:HDLCompiler:69 - "C:Documents and Settingscounter op.vhd" Line 50: <counter_tmp> is not declared.
ERROR:HDLCompiler:69 - "C:Documents and Settingscounter op.vhd" Line 52: <counter_tmp> is not declared.
ERROR:HDLCompiler:69 - "C:Documents and Settingscounter op.vhd" Line 51: <rising_edge> is not declared.
ERROR:HDLCompiler:69 - "C:Documents and Settingscounter op.vhd" Line 49: <rst> is not declared. 怎么处理,求高人指点。。。。急需解决!!! 此帖出自小平头技术问答
友情提示: 此问题已得到解决,问题已经关闭,关闭后问题禁止继续编辑,回答。