本帖最后由 Zigbee2012 于 2017-7-13 07:33 编辑
Step1: cd /home/aniu/01-workplace/thundercracker-v1.10/
Step2:make clean
Step3:make all #默认会编译firmware(master cube) emulator launcher docs/doxygen等等
Step1: cd /home/aniu/01-workplace/thundercracker-v1.10/firmware/master
Step2:make clean
Step3: make BOOTLOADABLE=1 # 必须设置环境变量BOOTLOADABLE=1使能bootloader
Step2:cd /home/aniu/01-workplace/thundercracker-v1.10/tools/fwdeploy
Step3: ./fwdeploy master_ v1.1.0.sft --fw-version v1.1.0 --fw 2 ../../firmware/master/master-stm32.bin ...
master_ v1.1.0.sft-->输出文件名
--fw-version v1.1.0-->软件版本
--fw 2 ../../firmware/master/master-stm32.bin—>硬件版本号,及BIN文件路径
Useage: fwdeploy <out.sft> --fw-version <version> --fw <hwrev fw.bin> ...
Step4:更新固件 参考《3.USB升级管理(windows).pdf》
整个sifteo cubes工程熟练掌握80%,月薪肯定上万;

https://www.amobbs.com/forum.php ... p;extra=#pid9850171
/work/app/thundercracker/thundercracker/docs/doxygen/src/gfx.md:141: warning: Found ';' while parsing initializer list! (doxygen could be confused by a macro call without semicolon)
/work/app/thundercracker/thundercracker/docs/doxygen/src/gfx.md:53: warning: documented function `Mahjongg and most other tiny objects people love to pick up and touch and play with Our displays are with a color depth of bits per pixel This format is often called **RGB565 since it uses bits of information each to store the Red and Blue channels of each and bits for we always recommend that you start with lossless true color images The asset tools will automatically perform various kinds of lossless and optionally lossy compression on these and any existing lossy compression will simply hinder these compression passes Your images won t be looking their and they will take up more space!Yuck!In here are some tips for preparing graphics to use with the Sifteo or images that have been previously stored as JPEG Always start with images in a lossless format like PNG or PSD *__Never dither__ your images!Dithered images are harder to so they will take up more space and they won t look as good *Keep your graphics __big__ Each cube has a small and you shouldn t clutter it with too many things at once *Keep your graphics __vibrant__ The gamma curve of the display may change as the viewing angle changes during so be sure to use enough visual contrast *Use __animation and interactivity__ whenever you can More interactivity equals more and Sifteo Cubes are great at fluid animation *Use stir s __proof output__ or __siftulator__ if you want to see exactly how your images will look in game Unlike most game the display is not directly attached to the hardware your application runs on For this Sifteo cubes use a *distributed rendering display and storage Cubes have two types of local but very slow to rewrite It contains uncompressed bit pixel arranged in pixel tiles *__Video RAM__ It is typically no pixel data It orchestrates the process of drawing a scene or part of a scene to the display Applications keep a shadow copy of this memory in a Sifteo::VideoBuffer object The system continuously synchronizes each cube s Video RAM with any correspondingly attached Sifteo::VideoBuffer This distributed architecture implies that many rendering operations are inherently **asynchronous **The system synchronizes Video RAM with your Sifteo::VideoBuffer' was not declared or defined.
/work/app/thundercracker/thundercracker/sdk/include/sifteo/asset.h:36: warning: unable to resolve reference to `asset_workflow' for ef command
/work/app/thundercracker/thundercracker/sdk/include/sifteo/macros.h:130: warning: unable to resolve reference to `device_mgmt' for ef command
/work/app/thundercracker/thundercracker/sdk/include/sifteo/macros.h:259: warning: unable to resolve reference to `scripting' for ef command
/work/app/thundercracker/thundercracker/sdk/include/sifteo/asset/audio.h:44: warning: unable to resolve reference to `asset_workflow' for ef command
/work/app/thundercracker/thundercracker/sdk/include/sifteo/asset/audio.h:106: warning: unable to resolve reference to `asset_workflow' for ef command
make[1]: *** [doxygen.log] 错误 1
make[1]:正在离开目录 `/work/app/thundercracker/thundercracker/docs/doxygen'
make: *** [docs/doxygen] 错误 2
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