J-Link Software and documentation pack for Windows 6.00

2020-01-01 17:54发布

We are pleased to announce the availability of a new version of the J-Link software and
documentation pack V6.00 with the following changes:

!!!! J-Flash cfg file format has been made INCOMPATIBLE to older Flasher firmwares!!!!

- Added flash programming support for TI CC1310F64, CC1310F32 and CC1350F128 devices.
- Added flash programming support for Zilog ZNEO Z32F128 and Z32F384 devices.
- Added flash programming support for Zilog ZNEO32 Z32F064 devices.
- Commander: Added command "-RTTTelnetport"
- DLL (SDK): Added command string "SetClearRAMAfterFlashDL"
- DLL (SDK): Added defines for current PSPLIM and MSPLIM register indexes.
- DLL : JLink script files: Added JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteDAP().
- DLL : JLink script files: __constant declarations with expressions in the value did not work did not work correctly. Fixed.
- DLL Updater: Added updating of GDB server RTOS plugins
- DLL/J-Flash: Added MKE18F256xxx15, MKE18F512xxx15 series devices to public.
- DLL/J-Flash: Added flash programming support for Freescale Kinetis MKE14F, MKE16F, MKE18F series devices.
- DLL/J-Flash: Added flash programming support for NXP LPC11U66 series devices.
- DLL/J-Flash: Added support for Renesas RX130 series devices.
- DLL/J-Flash: Added support for Renesas RX24T series devices.
- DLL/J-Flash: Flash programming of the NVRAM of Micronas HVC4223F devices did not work properly. Fixed.
- DLL/J-Flash: RX64M/RX71M: Flash option setting memory could not be programmed. Fixed.
- DLL/J-Flash: Under special circumstances, flash programming did not work for Cypress CYBL10xxx-256, CY8C4128xxx-BLxxx and CY8C4248xxx-BLxxx series devices. Fixed.
- DLL: Added CFI flash programming support for Cortex-R devices.
- DLL: Added command string "SetRTTTelnetport"
- DLL: Added flash programming support for Atmel ATSAMW25 device series.
- DLL: Added flash programming support for Maxim MAX32620, MAX32621, MAX32630 and MAX32631 series devices.
- DLL: Added flash programming support for NXP LPC1104UK series devices.
- DLL: Added flash programming support for NXP PN7362AU series devices.
- DLL: Added flash programming support for Nuvoton NUC442, NUC472, M451, M452 and M453 series devices.
- DLL: Added flash programming support for ST STM32F412 series devices.
- DLL: Added flash programming support for ST STM32F76/F77 series devices.
- DLL: Added flash programming support for Spansion S6E1B8/B3 series devices.
- DLL: Added flash programming support for Spansion S6E1C1/C3 series devices.
- DLL: Added flash programming support for Toshiba TMPM066FWUG series devices.
- DLL: Added flash programming support for Toshiba TMPM381 and TMPM383 series devices.
- DLL: Added flash programming support for the ST STM32L011xx and STM32L021xx series.
- DLL: Added flash programming support for the ST STM32L43xx and STM32L44xx series.
- DLL: Added possibility to add user-specified devices to the DLL.
- DLL: Added possibility to add user-specified flash banks to existing devices of the DLL.
- DLL: Added special handling for STM32L series on disconnect
- DLL: Added support for CMSIS flash algorithms for user-specified devices and flash banks.
- DLL: Added support for Microchip PIC32WK series devices.
- DLL: Added support for Renesas RZ/G1E and RZ/G1M series devices.
- DLL: Added support for new Infineon XMC1402, XMC1403, XMC1201, XMC1202, XMC1301, XMC1302 and XMC1302 device series.
- DLL: CFI flash programming did not work properly for Cortex-AR devices. Fixed.
- DLL: Connecting to J-Link could fail if there was already another process connected to the same J-Link, using a DLL V5.12j or earlier. Introduced in V5.41j. Fixed.
- DLL: DEMCR.TRCENA was not cleared on debug session close. Fixed.
- DLL: DHCSR.C_DEBUGEN was not cleared on debug session close. Fixed.
- DLL: EFM32PGxxxxxF256 devices were recognized with 128 instead of 256 KB Flash. Fixed.
- DLL: Flash programming of secured NXP KE04 series devices did not work in stand-alone mode. Fixed.
- DLL: Flash programming of the CCFG area of TI CC2650 devices did not work. Fixed.
- DLL: Flash programming on Cortex-M devices could fail if target interface speed was below 1 MHz. Introduced in V5.41j (beta). Fixed.
- DLL: HSS: We do no longer reproduce any data (reproduction-mode) to meet requirements configured by the host when copying the received data into host buffer.
- DLL: Improved flash programming verification speed for TI MSP432
- DLL: Improved the error handling when no or an invalid file has been specified in the JLinkDevices.xml file.
- DLL: J-Link script files: Added U8, U16, U32 base types.
- DLL: J-Link script files: Added support for user-defined constants that are defined via __constant keyword.
- DLL: JLinkARMDLL_Lib.c: message box about a missing target DLL was not correct. Fixed.
- DLL: Mac OS X: Added support for multiple-processes accessing the same J-Link.
- DLL: New boot loader versions of the TI MSP432 series devices may disable the JTAG pins / enter low power mode after 10 seconds. Improved the DLL connect sequence to be able handle this special case.
- DLL: New devices added via XML were not shown in device selection dialogs. Introduced with V5.41a. Fixed.
- DLL: On Freescale MKV56/58 the RAM ranges (0x2000_0000鈥�001_FFFF) and (0x2F00_0000鈥�F00_FFFF) were not defined as additional RTT search ranges. Fixed.
- DLL: Open Flash Loader: The J-Link DLL was allowed to pass multiples of PageSize to the ProgramPage() function. Changed the behaviour so that the DLL passes exactly one page to ProgramPage().
- DLL: RX64M/RX71M: Debugging via FINE did not work properly. Fixed.
- DLL: Renesas Synergy S7G2 series devices: Under special circumstances, programming of SPIFI flash was done with a too high SPI clock speed, which could cause programming errors. Fixed.
- DLL: Reset of NXP (Freescale) MKE18 series devices was not handled correctly. Fixed.
- DLL: SPIFI flash programming did not work properly on big endian targets (flash description was not read properly back from RAMCode). Fixed.
- DLL: STM32: Added read / write (RDP/PCROP/WRP) protection detection and unlock support for ST STM32L4 devices.
- DLL: STM32F1xx devices were not reset after executing an Unlock / Lock. As a result, the Unlock / Lock did not become effective until the next reset or power cycle.
- DLL: Silicon Labs EFM8: Single stepping MOV DPL, #Imm and MOV DPH, #Imm resulted in DPTR not being updated correctly. Fixed.
- DLL: Silicon Labs EFM8: When accessing DPTR register via memory instead of J-Link CPU register functions, under special circumstances incorrect values were read/written. Fixed.
- DLL: Silicon Labs EFM8: When single stepping instructions that manipulated DPH, incorrect values were written to DPH. Fixed.
- DLL: SiliconLabs EFM8SB1: Under special circumstances, connecting to SB1 series devices could fail, if the application entered certain low power modes. Improved handling of this.
- DLL: Some Renesas RX23T devices were detected as RX210 devices. Fixed.
- DLL: Some Renesas RX23T devices were not detected properly. Fixed.
- DLL: Some ST devices passed by Keil uVision, where not recognised by the J-Link DLL. Fixed.
- DLL: Stackpointer handling on ARMv8M was not correct, if the CPU did not implement security extensions. Fixed.
- DLL: TI CC13xx series: Reset did not work properly. Fixed.
- DLL: TI CC26xx series: Reset did not work properly. Fixed
- DLL: Turbo mode flash programming for Cortex-M devices with erased value != 0xFF did not work correctly. Fixed.
- DLL: Under special circumstances RTT could cause problems during flash programming when having multiple processes accessing the same J-Link. Fixed.
- DLL: Under special circumstances, connect to Silicon Labs EFM32TG series devices did not work properly. Fixed.
- DLL: Under special circumstances, flash programming did not work for NXP / Freescale KE15 series devices. Fixed.
- DLL: Under special circumstances, flash programming of NXP KE18F series devices did not work properly. Fixed.
- DLL: Under special circumstances, flash programming speed for some devices (e.g. TI MSP432) was slightly slowed down due to an internal mistake in the DLL. Introduced with V5.41a. Fixed.
- DLL: Under special circumstances, the J-Link DLL crashed when using J-Link settings file. Has been introduced in V5.41e. Fixed.
- DLL: Under special circumstances, the J-Link DLL did not detect an secured TI CC2650 device. Fixed.
- DLL: Under special circumstances, the watchdog of NXP (Freescale) Kinetis KE18 was not handled correctly resulting in the application run for a few 碌s when performing flash download. Fixed.
- DLL: When trying to use monitor mode debugging under OS X and Linux, DLL throw a question without the user having a chance to do a selection. Fixed.
- DLL: When using unlimited flash breakpoints, under special circumstances, access violations could occur. Introduced in V5.41a (beta). Fixed.
- DLLUpdater: Crashed. Introduced in V5.41o. Fixed.
- Firmware: Added flash programming support for Atmel ATSAMV7. Affected firmwares: Flasher ARM V4, Flasher PRO V4 and Flasher Portable V1
- Firmware: Flasher Portable: When selecting a configuration for which no config file was present, Flasher replied erroneously O.K.. Fixed.
- Firmware: J-Link-OB-RX621-ARM-SWD: Under special circumstances, J-Link did not enumerate correctly in a VirtualBox environment. For more information, see: https://wiki.segger.com/index.php?title=J-Link-OB-RX621-ARM-SWD
- Flasher ARM: Infineon XMC1000 series: Added support for BMI mode switching (ASC -> SWD0) for stand-alone mode
- Flasher PRO: Infineon XMC1000 series: Added support for BMI mode switching (ASC -> SWD0) for stand-alone mode
- Flasher: Flash programming in stand-alone mode did not work for NXP KE02, KE04 and KE06 series devices. Fixed.
- Flasher: PCode variable JLINK_JTAG_Speed was not evaluated by the Flasher. Fixed.
- Flasher: Stand-alone mode did not work for Analog Devices ADuC7023, ADuC7038, ADuC7039, ADuC7124 and ADuC7126. Fixed.
- Flasher: Stand-alone mode did not work for TI CC2650 series devices. Fixed.
- Flasher: Under special circumstances, flash programming of Atmel ATSAMD20 devices did not work properly. Fixed.
- GDB Server: Added -RTTTelnetport <Port> Option.
- GDB Server: Floating point registers were not displayed correctly on big endian targets. Fixed.
- GDB Server: Floating point registers were not written correctly on big endian targets. Fixed.
- GDBServer: Added feature "exception debugging"
- GDBServer: Implemented support for thread debugging with RTOS by using a plug-in
- J-Flash SPI: Added GUI for the Init and Exit steps.
- J-Flash SPI: Added new "Init / Exit Step" commands to allow read-modify-write accesses. Further information regarding this can be found in the J-Link UM chapter "11 J-Flash SPI".
- J-Flash SPI: Added new Init / Exit step actions: BNE and BNQ.
- J-Flash SPI: Added new Init / Exit step actions: Comment and VerifyByte.
- J-Flash SPI: Added new example project which demonstrates read-modify-write operation using the Init / Exit steps.
- J-Flash SPI: Changed the Init / Exit step order in the J-Flash SPI project file so that the steps are numerical sorted.
- J-Flash SPI: Extended the "Winbond_ReadModifyWrite_SecurityRegisters.jflash" example project.
- J-Flash: *.PEX files for Flasher stand-alone mode (only needed for some devices) were only downloaded to Flasher and not created when selecting "Save Flash config file". Fixed.
- J-Flash: Added SPIFI Flash programming support for Freescale MPC5645S BankB.
- J-Flash: Added SPIFI Flash programming support for Freescale MPC5645S BankB.
- J-Flash: Added example project + custom RAMCode for Renesas RZ/G1E and RZ/G1M series devices.
- J-Flash: Added flash programming support for Atmel ATSAMW25 device series.
- J-Flash: Added sample project for Atmel ATSAMS70N21 devices.
- J-Flash: Added sample project for ST SPC560D40 series devices.
- J-Flash: Added support for CMSIS flash algorithms for user-specified devices and flash banks.
- J-Flash: Added support for SPIFI flash programming via target CPU. For a list of devices for which SPIFI flash programming is available, please refer to https://www.segger.com/jlink_supported_devices.html
- J-Flash: Added support for turbo flash programming for Cortex-M target devices.
- J-Flash: Big endian targets did not work properly for Flasher stand-alone mode. (Introduced in V5.41a beta version) Fixed.
- J-Flash: CRC of file data when opening a data file was not identical to CRC shown after successful programming. Fixed.
- J-Flash: Changed the default value of serial number length when creating an new project from 8 to 4.
- J-Flash: Changed the default value of serial number length when creating an new project from 8 to 4.
- J-Flash: Chip erase did not work. Introduced with V5.41a. Fixed.
- J-Flash: Exit steps were not executed. Introduced in V5.41a beta version. Fixed.
- J-Flash: FLASHER.DAT for Flasher stand-alone mode was generated incorrectly in case flash size was non-multiple of 2 KB. Fixed.
- J-Flash: Fixed "Perform blank check before program", reimplemented proper error reporting.
- J-Flash: In case a flash programming session failed, it could happen that a subsequent flashing operation crashed J-Flash. Introduced in V5.41a beta version. Fixed.
- J-Flash: J-Flash did erroneously report success instead of error if an invalid flash loader file has been selected in the JLinkDevices.xml file. Fixed.
- J-Flash: J-Flash now omits errors during disconnect. Therefore, J-Flash projects which secure the chip and try to start the core afterwards still exist with success if nothing else failed.
- J-Flash: Line number in error output was not accurate in case a mot file contained incorrect checksums. Fixed.
- J-Flash: New devices added via XML were not shown. Introduced with V5.41a. Fixed.
- J-Flash: Preparing the FLASHER.DAT file for stand-alone mode did not work for data flashes with unaligned data.
- J-Flash: Renesas RX via FINE: If chip erase was performed and then a disconnect was issued, it could happen that the IDCODE bytes where reprogrammed into the device on disconnect, by accident. Fixed.
- J-Flash: STM32F1xx devices were not reset after executing an Unlock / Lock. As a result, the Unlock / Lock did not become effective until the next reset or power cycle.
- J-Flash: Serial number programming did not work in J-Flash (introduced in V5.41a). Fixed.
- J-Flash: The "-reloacte" command line option did not handle negative offsets correctly. Fixed
- J-Flash: The actions performed by "Auto" were not evaluated by J-Flash. Fixed.
- J-Flash: The target device has not been selected for the "Start Application" action. Fixed.
- J-Flash: Under special circumstances, "-merge" command line argument did not work properly. Fixed.
- J-Flash: Under special circumstances, J-Flash did not take the flash base address into account for custom RAMCodes. Fixed.
- J-Flash: Under special circumstances, flash programming did not work for devices with target RAM <= 2KB. Fixed.
- J-Flash: Under special circumstances, merging of *.bin files via command line option did accept the passed address. Fixed.
- J-Flash: Under special circumstances, verify did not work properly for multiple flash banks. Fixed.
- J-Flash: Under specific conditions, J-Flash did not report an error if a download to Flasher failed. Fixed.
- J-Flash: Unsecure / Secure chip could not be executed. Fixed.
- J-Flash: When executing the unlock device step, a separate dialog popped up. Fixed.
- J-Flash: When having multiple flash banks and start addr. of bank 0 was higher than start addr. of bank 1, "Check Blank" and "Read Back" operation could hang. Fixed.
- J-Flash: When having multiple flash banks and start addr. of bank 0 was higher than start addr. of bank 1, "Generate Test Data" operation could fail. Fixed.
- J-Flash: When having multiple flash banks and start addr. of bank 0 was higher than start addr. of bank 1, "Verify" could fail. Fixed.
- J-Flash: When having multiple flash banks, "erase chip" always caused a dialog that not all sectors are selected for erasure, even if they were. Fixed.
- J-Link Commander: The selected settings file was passed too late to the J-Link DLL resulting in the DLL searched in the wrong directory for the JLinkDevices.xml file (needed by the open flash loader). Fixed.
- J-Link DLL Updater: Changed the backup behaviour so that only the original J-Link DLL will be backed up (JLinkARM_org.dll).
- J-Link DLL Updater: From now, the J-Link DLL Updater updates the JLinkDevice.ref file if present in the installation directory.
- J-Link SDK: The function declaration of JLINKARM_LOG() in the C# sample was incorrect. Fixed.
- RTT Client: Added -RTTTelnetport <Port> Option.
- RTTViewer: Suppress output while sending to target.
- SPECIAL: Silent beta for fixed BTL for J-Link-OB-RX621-ARM-SWD
- STM32 Unlock Utility: Added read / write (RDP/PCROP/WRP) protection detection and unlock support for ST STM32L4 devices.
- ScriptFiles / PCode: SetDeviceId did not configure the device info (IRLen). Fixed.
- Software package (Debian): The symlink /opt/SEGGER/JLink/ introduced with V5.41e was not created if a directory is already present at this location. Fixed.
- Firmware: Improved error handling (better logfile and ASCII interface output)
  Affected firmwares: Flasher ARM V4
                      Flasher PRO V4
                      Flasher RX V4
                      Flasher PPC V4
                      Flasher Portable V1
- Software package (OS X): J-Link software is now installed to Applications/SEGGER/JLink_Vxyyz/.
                           Previous versions were installed to Applications/SEGGER/JLink/ which is now a symlink that is updated on installation to point to the latest installed version
- Software package (Linux): J-Link software is now installed to /opt/SEGGER/JLink_Vxyyz/.
                            Previous versions were installed to /opt/SEGGER/JLink/ which is now a symlink that is updated on installation to point to the latest installed version.
- Firmware: Added batch processing mode (set in Flasher.ini)
  Affected firmwares: Flasher ARM V4
                      Flasher PRO V4
                      Flasher RX V4
                      Flasher PPC V4
                      Flasher Portable V1
- Firmware: Improved memory write speed (via JTAG) for slower running Cortex-M targets (CPU speed <= 12 MHz). Depending on the target & setup, download now is up to 15% faster.
  Affected firmwares: J-Link V9
                      J-Link V10
                      J-Link ULTRA+ V4
                      J-Link PRO V4
                      J-Trace V3 Cortex-M
                      J-Trace PRO V1 Cortex-M
- Firmware: Under special circumstances, custom RAMCodes did not work properly in stand-alone mode. Fixed.
  Affected firmwares: Flasher ARM V4
                      Flasher PRO V4
                      Flasher RX V4
                      Flasher PPC V4
                      Flasher Portable V1
- Firmware: Under special circumstances, Flasher LED did blink in stand-alone mode (supplied via external power supply). Fixed.
  Affected firmwares: Flasher ARM V4
                      Flasher PRO V4
                      Flasher RX V4
                      Flasher PPC V4
                      Flasher Portable V1

The software can be downloaded from the following location:
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