本帖最后由 xxguo 于 2012-10-2 20:50 编辑
date : 2010/08/29
writer :on the way..
Port :P0_2,P0_3,P0_4,P0_5 这四个端口是用于UART0外设配置
P1_0,P1_1 这两个端口是LED1和LED2
P1_4,P1_5,P1_6,P1_7 这四个端口用于SPI通信
后在串口调试助手中显示on the way..
Master Slave
------------- -------------
| | | |
|P1_4 SSN |--------->|SSN P1_4|
| | | |
|P1_5 SCK |--------->|SCK P1_5|
| | | |
|P1_6 MOSI|--------->|MOSI P1_6|
| | | |
|P1_7 MISO|<---------|MISO P1_7|
| | | |
------------- -------------
// Slave Mode
#include <iocc2530.h>
#include "hal_cc8051.h"
#define LED1 P1_0
#define LED2 P1_1
#define LED_OFF 1
#define LED_ON 0
#define SSN P1_4
#define N 13 // Length byte
char rxBufferSlave[13];//接收到的数据放到这个数组中
BOOL sDataReceived; //接收数据标志位
* @fn init_port
* @brief
* Initializes components IO port application example.
* Parameters:
* @param void
* @return void
void init_port(void)
IO_FUNC_PORT_PIN(1, 0, IO_FUNC_GIO); //将P1_0设置为普通的IO口
IO_DIR_PORT_PIN(1, 0, IO_OUT); //设置为输出
IO_FUNC_PORT_PIN(1, 1, IO_FUNC_GIO); //将P1_1设置为普通的IO口
IO_DIR_PORT_PIN(1, 1, IO_OUT); //设置为输出
PERCFG |= 0x02; // PERCFG.U1CFG = 1
P1SEL |= 0xF0; // P1_7, P1_6, P1_5, and P1_4 are peripherals
void init_Baudrate(void)
// a 32 MHz crystal,
// max baud rate = 32 MHz / 8 = 4 MHz.
U1BAUD = 0x00; // BAUD_M = 0
U1GCR |= 0x11; // BAUD_E = 17
* @fn initUART
* @brief
* Initializes components for the UART application example.
* Parameters:
* @param void
* @return void
void initUART(void)
// Setup for UART0
UART_SETUP(0, 57600, HIGH_STOP); //设置串口
* @fn main
* @brief
* @param none
* @return none
void main(void)
uint8 i;
halMcuInit(); //设置时钟源32MHZ
init_port(); //初始化端口
init_Baudrate(); //初始化波特率
initUART(); //初始化UART
// SPI Slave Mode
U1CSR &= ~0x80;
U1CSR |= 0x20;
// Configure phase, polarity, and bit order
U1GCR |= 0xC0; // CPOL = CPHA = 1
U1GCR &=~0x20; // ORDER = 1
// 1. Clear interrupt flags
// For pulsed or edge shaped interrupt sources one should clear the CPU interrupt
// flag prior to clearing the module interrupt flag
TCON &= ~0x80;
// 2. Set individual interrupt enable bit in the peripherals SFR, if any
// 3. Set the corresponding individual, interrupt enable bit in the IEN0, IEN1, or
// IEN2 registers to 1
URX1IE = 1;
// SPI Slave
DMA_DESC dmaConfigRx;
SET_WORD(dmaConfigRx.DESTADDRH, dmaConfigRx.DESTADDRL, rxBufferSlave);
dmaConfigRx.VLEN = 0; // Transfer number of bytes commanded by n, + 1
SET_WORD(dmaConfigRx.LENH, dmaConfigRx.LENL, N + 1); //LEN = nmax + 1
dmaConfigRx.WORDSIZE = 0; // Each transfer is 8 bits
dmaConfigRx.TRIG = 17; // Use URX1 trigger 17
dmaConfigRx.TMODE = 0; // One byte transferred per trigger event 0
dmaConfigRx.SRCINC = 1; // Keep the same source addr. for all transfers 0
dmaConfigRx.DESTINC = 0; // Increase dest. addr. by 1 between transfers 1
dmaConfigRx.IRQMASK = 1; // Allow IRCON.DMAIF to be asserted when the transfer 1
// count is reached
dmaConfigRx.M8 = 0; // Use all 8 bits of first byte in source data to
// determine the transfer count
dmaConfigRx.PRIORITY = 2; // DMA memory access has high priority
// Save pointer to the DMA config. struct into DMA ch. 0 config. registers
// 1. Clear interrupt flags
// For pulsed or edge shaped interrupt sources one should clear the CPU interrupt
// flag prior to clearing the module interrupt flag
DMAIF = 0; //清除DMA中断标志位
DMAIRQ &= ~0x01;
// 2. Set individual interrupt enable bit in the peripherals SFR, if any
// No flag for the DMA (Set in the DMA struct (IRQMASK = 1))
// 3. Set the corresponding individual, interrupt enable bit in the IEN0, IEN1, o
// IEN2 registers to 1
DMAIE = 1; //使能DMA中断
// 4. Enable global interrupt
EA = 1; //使能总中断
DMAARM = 0x01; //使得DMA通道0处于准备好的状态,如果有数据接收到,就会执行中断语句
while (1)
if (sDataReceived)
sDataReceived = FALSE; // All 10 bytes are received
U0DBUF = rxBufferSlave;
while(UTX0IF == 0); //等待发送完毕
UTX0IF = 0;
#pragma vector=DMA_VECTOR
__interrupt void dma_IRQ(void)
DMAIF = 0; // Clear the CPU DMA interrupt flag
DMAIRQ &= ~0x01; // DMA channel 0 module interrupt flag
sDataReceived = TRUE; // All 10 bytes are received
友情提示: 此问题已得到解决,问题已经关闭,关闭后问题禁止继续编辑,回答。
Slaver 取消用DMA,直接用SPI收发数据就可以了~~~
// Slave Mode
#include <iocc2530.h>
#include "hal_cc8051.h"
#define LED1 P1_0
#define LED2 P1_1
#define LED_OFF 1
#define LED_ON 0
#define SSN P1_4
* @fn init_port
* @brief
* Initializes components IO port application example.
* Parameters:
* @param void
* @return void
void init_port(void)
IO_FUNC_PORT_PIN(1, 0, IO_FUNC_GIO); //将P1_0设置为普通的IO口
IO_DIR_PORT_PIN(1, 0, IO_OUT); //设置为输出
IO_FUNC_PORT_PIN(1, 1, IO_FUNC_GIO); //将P1_1设置为普通的IO口
IO_DIR_PORT_PIN(1, 1, IO_OUT); //设置为输出
PERCFG |= 0x02; // PERCFG.U1CFG = 1
P1SEL |= 0xF0; // P1_7, P1_6, P1_5, and P1_4 are peripherals
void init_Baudrate(void)
// Set baud rate to max (system clock frequency / 8)
// a 32 MHz crystal,
// max baud rate = 32 MHz / 8 = 4 MHz.
U1BAUD = 0x00; // BAUD_M = 0
U1GCR |= 0x11; // BAUD_E = 17
* @fn initUART
* @brief
* Initializes components for the UART application example.
* Parameters:
* @param void
* @return void
void initUART(void)
// Setup for UART0
UART_SETUP(0, 57600, HIGH_STOP); //设置串口
* @fn main
* @brief
* @param none
* @return none
void main(void)
halMcuInit();// 选择32MHz晶体振荡器作为系统时钟源(主时钟源)//设置时钟源32MHZ
init_port(); //初始化端口
init_Baudrate(); //初始化波特率
initUART(); //初始化UART
// SPI Slave Mode
U1CSR &= ~0x80;
U1CSR |= 0x20;
// Configure phase, polarity, and bit order
U1GCR |= 0xC0; // CPOL = CPHA = 1
U1GCR &=~0x20; // ORDER = 0 LSB First
// LED1=LED_ON; //灯亮表示进入接收状态
char rxBufferSlave[1];
char _RSSI[1];
// unsigned char i;
/* for (i = 0; i < sizeof(rxBufferSlave); i++)
while (!U1RX_BYTE);
U1RX_BYTE = 0;
rxBufferSlave = U1DBUF;
LED1=LED_OFF; //灯灭表示数据已经传送完,接着在串口上显示
U0DBUF = rxBufferSlave;
while(UTX0IF == 0); //等待发送完毕
UTX0IF = 0;
while (!U1RX_BYTE);
rxBufferSlave[0] = U1DBUF;
// U1RX_BYTE = 0;
U0DBUF = rxBufferSlave[0];
while(UTX0IF == 0); //等待发送完毕
UTX0IF = 0;
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