Dim flagup
Private Sub Command1_Click()
MSComm1.PortOpen = Faule
Unload Me
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
MSComm1.InBufferSize = 1024
MSComm1.OutBufferSize = 512
MSComm1.InputMode = comInputModeBinary
MSComm1.Settings = "9600,n,8,1"
MSComm1.RThreshold = 1
MSComm1.PortOpen = True
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Click() '画坐标轴
Dim X1 As Byte
Dim X2 As Byte
Dim Y1 As Byte
Dim Y2 As Byte
End Sub
Private Sub shang_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
Dim receivelen As Integer
ReDim numup(0) As Byte '发送一个字节
numup(0) = &H12
MSComm1.Output = numup
Select Case MSComm1.CommEvent '接收一个字节
Case comEvReceive
ReDim receivenum(40) As Byte
receivelen = MSComm1.InBufferCount '定义字符串长度
receivenum = MSComm1.Input
'For i = 0 To i = 5 Step 1
' Text1.Text = receivenum(4)
End Select
Dim X1 As Byte
Dim X2 As Byte
Dim Y1 As Byte
Dim Y2 As Byte
Cls '画坐标轴
Form1.Scale (-120, 120)-(120, -120)
Line (-100, -100)-(100, -100): Line (-100, -100)-(-100, 100)
CurrentX = 100: CurrentY = -95: Print "Time"
CurrentX = -95: CurrentY = 100: Print "Val"
CurrentX = -90: CurrentY = -90: Print "Start"
For i = -100 To 100 Step 5
CurrentX = i: CurrentY = -95: Line -(i, -100)
CurrentX = i - 5: CurrentY = -105: Print (i + 100) / 5
Next i
For i = -95 To 100 Step 5
CurrentX = -95: CurrentY = i: Line -(-100, i)
CurrentX = -108: CurrentY = i: Print (i + 100) / 5
Next i
Line (-20, -20)-(60, 50) '测试,只显示一根直线
' For i = 0 To i = 4 Step 1 '绘图
' X1 = 5 * i - 95
' Y1 = 5 * receivenum(i) - 95
'X2 = 5 * (i + 1) - 95
' Y2 = 5 * receivenum(i + 1) - 95
'Line (X1, Y1)-(X2, Y2)
'Next i
End Sub
能检测到VB的却接收了正确的数据,但是就是不能绘制。单单 Line (-20, -20)-(60, 50) 是可以有条线的,但是一进了for循环就不行了,还提示 X1 = 5 * i - 95这行溢出。请各位大侠帮我看看神马问题吧,现在只能在窗口显示,不能调用pic。谢谢~
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