
2020-02-06 09:56发布

本帖最后由 1125526801 于 2013-6-15 09:24 编辑


360截图20130615092316974.jpg (177.04 KB, 下载次数: 0) 下载附件 2013-6-15 09:23 上传

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2020-02-13 13:35
本帖最后由 1125526801 于 2013-6-27 09:00 编辑
millwood0 发表于 2013-6-26 20:20
This is an example of why reading the datasheet is invaluable.

You cannot be a good embedded progra ...

I  read it, but I  don't understand because thar text description for sequence is not very clear. and I cannot read assembly language,it is a big drawback for me.

In the PIC datasheet, all the examples are written in assembly language.

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