Error[491] 0 : can't find 0x2 words for psect "config" in segment "CONFIG"
也就是我要在程序中设置 配置字2寄存器 该如何操作,希望大家知道一下。
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#define CONFIG_ADDR2 0x2008
// Brown-out Reset Voltage
#define BORV21 0x3EFF // 2.1 Volts
#define BORV40 0x3FFF // 4.0 Volts
// Flash Memory Write Protection
#if defined(_16F882)
#define WP0 0x3BFF // Protect 0h-0FFh
#define WP1 0x39FF // Protect lower half of flash
#define WP0 0x3DFF // Protect 0h-0FFh
#define WP1 0x3BFF // Protect lower half of flash
#define WP2 0x39FF // Protect all of flash
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