PIC: 4-bit DAC

2020-02-08 12:18发布

many PICs do not have hardware DAC. It is only when you move to newer and higher end chips, you get DACs.

however, many PICs have a comparator reference voltage generator for its comparators. Those generators typically have a resolution of 4 - 5 bits. Some of them can have their output (CVref) routed to an output pin. viola! you have a 4-bit dac.

here is an example of generating a ramp on 16F886.

(原文件名:16f886 4-bit dac.PNG)

now, this is nothing to write home about but if you are in need of some quick dac, it may work for you.

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2020-02-09 08:01
回复【2楼】mowin  雾湾
好奇的是4-bit dac能用在什么场合?


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