;This program demonstrates the need for context saving
;Port A not used. Port B bit 0 used for ext.interrupt ip.
#include P16f84A.inc
rhi equ 10
rlo equ 11
phi equ 12
plo equ 13
qhi equ 14
qlo equ 15
org 00
goto start
org 04
goto Int_Routine
start org 0010
bsf INTCON,INTE ; enable external interrupt
bsf INTCON,GIE ; enable glabal int
loop movlw 99
movwf phi ; preload numebers to be load
movwf plo
movwf qhi
movwf qlo
call Double_add
movlw 00 ; clear
movwf rhi
movwf rlo
goto loop
;This subroutine adds two 16-bit numbers, stored in phi-plo, and qhi-qlo,
;and stores result in rhi-rlo.
movf plo,0
addwf qlo,0
movwf rlo
btfsc STATUS,0
incf phi,1 ; add in carry
movf phi,0
addwf qhi,0 ; add upper bytes
movwf rhi
bcf STATUS,0 ; clear the carry flag
movlw 0ff ; change W reg value
本人是初学者,这个程序是一本书上的例题,我想问的是为什么程序开头没有定义port B端口的输入输出属性呢,此处只用到port B 0的输入属性,产生下降沿中断。是不是pic单片机的端口默认是输入模式吗?
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