K70例程011: 网络裸机程序webserver

2020-02-19 21:02发布


默认用户名: admin
默认密码  : <空>。

This is a HTTP Server example. It shows you how to use the
Web Server CGI interface as well.

Use this example to connect TWR-K70F120M Board to a LAN with DHCP
server (most LANs have this). This example will configure the
LAN network parameters automatically using a DHCP protocol.

You may connect TWR-K70F120M Board to PC directly over a crosslink
network cable. In this case configure a PC to use a static
IP address

If after a timeout of 5 seconds DHCP did not obtain an IP address,
this example will use a static IP address

The WEB pages are included into the project under HTTP Files
group. You can simply add or remove a page or image. Web files
which are compiled into the project are added to the 'Web.inp'
Web Converter input file.

To test this example, open your web browser and enter the
address http://twr_k70f120m/ or http://<boards IP address>

Default user    : admin
Default password: <none>

You can change the password at runtime on page 'system'

The HTTP_demo example is available for several targets:

    Standalone (no RTX Kernel) application.
    Program code is loaded into on-chip flash.

MK70F120M Debug:
    Standalone (no RTX Kernel) with debug output.
    Debug level configured in Net_Debug.c configuration file.
    Connect a serial cable to RS232 UART1 port using
    HyperTerminal at 115200 baud, 8-bits, no parity,
    1 stop bit, flowcontrol none.

MK70F120M RTX:
    The same example configured for RTX Kernel.
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