本帖最后由 FSL_TICS_ZP 于 2014-10-8 16:32 编辑
OpenSDAv2:OpenSDAv2 uses the exact same hardware circuit as the original OpenSDA solution, and out of the box it still provides a debugger, drag-and-drop flash programmer, and virtual serial port over a single USB cable.
The difference is the firmware implementation:- OpenSDA: Programmed with the proprietary P&E Micro developed bootloader. P&E Micro is the default debug interface app.
- OpenSDAv2: Programmed with the open-sourced CMSIS-DAP/mbed bootloader. CMSIS-DAP is the default debug interface app.
Firmware DeveloperKinetis K20 Based Hardware CircuitDefault Debug InterfaceDrag-and-drop Target MCUFlash ProgrammingVirtual Serial PortSource Code AvailableOpenSDAP&E MicroxP&E Micro.srec/.s19x
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盗版的JLink掉固件,而且一升级就出问题,不好用,这个可以随着官方同步升级,成本也不会比Jlink OB高多少,不用jlink固件的话同样兼容所有cortex核,为什么意义不大。况且他开源没有版权问题
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