使用 74hc4052 差分输入,是否可以使用负电压?

2019-03-25 17:02发布

鄙人要做一个热电偶的系统,请问使用74hc4052来换路时,使用差分输入的方式,电源为3.3v,那差分输入的电压范围是多少?可以为负么?我知道4051的单端输入电压是相对GND的电压,不能为负,那4052这个差分电压到底是怎么回事呢?请各位指教。 此帖出自小平头技术问答
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2019-03-26 09:26
These multiplexers are digitally controlled analog switches
implemented in advanced silicon-gate CMOS technology.
These switches have low ``on'' resistance and low ``off''
leakages. They are bidirectional switches, thus any analog
input may be used as an output and vice-versa. Also these
switches contain linearization circuitry which lowers the on
resistance and increases switch linearity. These devices allow
control of up to g6V (peak) analog signals with digital
control signals of 0 to 6V. Three supply pins are provided for
VCC, ground, and VEE. This enables the connection of 0±5V
logic signals when VCCe5V and an analog input range of
g5V when VEEe5V. All three devices also have an inhibit
control which when high will disable all switches to their off
state. All analog inputs and outputs and digital inputs are
protected from electrostatic damage by diodes to VCC and

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