本帖最后由 dingzy_2002 于 2016-6-10 01:14 编辑
单片机,pic16f1823 c程序,用MPLAP IDE8.92和HI-TECH PICC编译时报错如下,完全不知道怎么回事,报错也看不懂,请格纹大神帮忙指点
Build E:PICPIC for device 16F1823
Using driver D:Program Files (x86)HI-TECH SoftwarePICC9.80inpicc.exe
Make: The target "E:PICmain.p1" is out of date.
Executing: "D:Program Files (x86)HI-TECH SoftwarePICC9.80inpicc.exe" --pass1 E:PICmain.c -q --chip=16F1823 -P --runtime=default --opt=default -D__DEBUG=1 -g --asmlist "--errformat=Error [%n] %f; %l.%c %s" "--msgformat=Advisory[%n] %s" "--warnformat=Warning [%n] %f; %l.%c %s"
Warning [228] main.pre; 1.1 illegal character (0xFFFFFF84)
Error [285] main.pre; 1.2 no identifier in declaration
Warning [374] main.pre; 1.2 missing basic type; int assumed
Error [314] main.pre; 1.2 ";" expected
Warning [228] main.pre; 1.3 illegal character (0x1C)
Error [285] main.pre; 1.4 no identifier in declaration
Warning [374] main.pre; 1.4 missing basic type; int assumed
Error [314] main.pre; 1.4 ";" expected
Warning [228] main.pre; 1.5 illegal character (0x5)
注:dingzy_2002于2016年6月10日编辑,原因:原内容背景为绿 {MOD},现去掉了
我也不知道为什么会变成绿 {MOD}
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