【MXCHIP Open1081】帮我看看这是什么原因没有下载成功?

2019-03-26 13:38发布

本帖最后由 dontium 于 2014-12-5 17:41 编辑

KEIL刚装上不久,还没有玩熟。出现了Error: Flash Download failed  -  "Cortex-M3"这个提示,应该找哪里原因呢?











Rebuild Project 'WiFi_Link' - Target 'WiFi Link@Open1081'
assembling startup_stm32f2xx.s...
compiling system_stm32f2xx.c...
compiling platform.c...
compiling main.c...
compiling stm32f2xx_it.c...
compiling misc.c...
compiling stm32f2xx_dma.c...
compiling stm32f2xx_exti.c...
compiling stm32f2xx_flash.c...
compiling stm32f2xx_gpio.c...
compiling stm32f2xx_i2c.c...
compiling stm32f2xx_pwr.c...
compiling stm32f2xx_rcc.c...
compiling stm32f2xx_sdio.c...
compiling stm32f2xx_syscfg.c...
compiling stm32f2xx_tim.c...
compiling stm32f2xx_usart.c...
compiling stm32f2xx_adc.c...
compiling stm32f2xx_rtc.c...
compiling stm32f2xx_spi.c...
Program Size: Code=218088 RO-data=28008 RW-data=2004 ZI-data=113260  

……………………  略
Target info:
Device: STM32F205RG
VTarget = 3.164V
State of Pins:
TCK: 1, TDI: 0, TDO: 1, TMS: 0, TRES: 1, TRST: 1
Hardware-Breakpoints: 6
Software-Breakpoints: 8192
Watchpoints:          4
JTAG speed: 20 kHz

Erase Done.
**JLink Warning: T-bit of XPSR is 0 but should be 1. Changed to 1.
Programming Failed!
Error: Flash Download failed  -  "Cortex-M3"
Load "D:\WiFi\mxchipWNet-Demo_V1.19\Open1081_WiFi_Examples\Demo1_WiFi_Link\RVMDK\Obj\WiFiLink.axf"
Set JLink Project File to "D:WiFimxchipWNet-Demo_V1.19Open1081_WiFi_ExamplesDemo1_WiFi_LinkRVMDKJLinkSettings.ini"
* JLink Info: Device "STM32F205RG" selected (1024 KB flash, 128 KB RAM).

JLink info:
DLL: V4.90 , compiled Jul 28 2014 10:35:20
Firmware: J-Link ARM V8 compiled Jul 17 2014 12:31:18
Hardware: V8.00
Feature(s) : RDI,FlashDL,FlashBP,JFlash,GDBFULL

* JLink Info: TotalIRLen = 9, IRPrint = 0x0011
* JLink Info: TotalIRLen = 9, IRPrint = 0x0011
* JLink Info: Found Cortex-M3 r2p0, Little endian.
* JLink Info: FPUnit: 6 code (BP) slots and 2 literal slots
* JLink Info: TPIU fitted.
* JLink Info: ETM fitted.
ROMTableAddr = 0xE00FF003

Target info:
Device: STM32F205RG
VTarget = 3.164V
State of Pins:
TCK: 1, TDI: 0, TDO: 1, TMS: 0, TRES: 1, TRST: 1
Hardware-Breakpoints: 6
Software-Breakpoints: 8192
Watchpoints:          4
JTAG speed: 200 kHz

Erase Done.
Programming Done.
Contents mismatch at: 08040000H  (Flash=00H  Required=07H) !
Contents mismatch at: 08040001H  (Flash=8BH  Required=EBH) !
Contents mismatch at: 08040002H  (Flash=80H  Required=84H) !
Contents mismatch at: 08040004H  (Flash=00H  Required=23H) !
Contents mismatch at: 08040005H  (Flash=00H  Required=46H) !
Contents mismatch at: 08040006H  (Flash=04H  Required=F7H) !
Contents mismatch at: 08040007H  (Flash=90H  Required=F7H) !
Contents mismatch at: 08040008H  (Flash=40H  Required=54H) !
Contents mismatch at: 08040009H  (Flash=69H  Required=FBH) !
Contents mismatch at: 0804000DH  (Flash=10H  Required=90H) !
Contents mismatch at: 0804000EH  (Flash=01H  Required=29H) !
Contents mismatch at: 08040011H  (Flash=00H  Required=BFH) !
Contents mismatch at: 08040013H  (Flash=90H  Required=BFH) !
Contents mismatch at: 08040014H  (Flash=00H  Required=01H) !
Contents mismatch at: 08040015H  (Flash=00H  Required=20H) !
Contents mismatch at: 08040016H  (Flash=00H  Required=04H) !
Contents mismatch at: 08040017H  (Flash=80H  Required=90H) !
Contents mismatch at: 08040018H  (Flash=00H  Required=24H) !
Contents mismatch at: 08040019H  (Flash=A0H  Required=E0H) !
Contents mismatch at: 0804001AH  (Flash=0AH  Required=0BH) !
Contents mismatch at: 0804001BH  (Flash=80H  Required=EBH) !
Contents mismatch at: 0804001CH  (Flash=04H  Required=84H) !
Contents mismatch at: 0804001DH  (Flash=00H  Required=02H) !
Contents mismatch at: 0804001EH  (Flash=00H  Required=23H) !
Contents mismatch at: 0804001FH  (Flash=40H  Required=46H) !
Contents mismatch at: 08040020H  (Flash=01H  Required=59H) !
Contents mismatch at: 08040021H  (Flash=42H  Required=46H) !
Contents mismatch at: 08040022H  (Flash=10H  Required=38H) !
Contents mismatch at: 08040023H  (Flash=40H  Required=46H) !
Contents mismatch at: 08040024H  (Flash=01H  Required=F7H) !
Contents mismatch at: 08040025H  (Flash=90H  Required=F7H) !
Contents mismatch at: 08040026H  (Flash=00H  Required=45H) !
Contents mismatch at: 08040027H  (Flash=98H  Required=FBH) !
Contents mismatch at: 08040028H  (Flash=01H  Required=0BH) !
Contents mismatch at: 08040029H  (Flash=90H  Required=99H) !
Contents mismatch at: 0804002BH  (Flash=88H  Required=EBH) !
Contents mismatch at: 0804002CH  (Flash=00H  Required=84H) !
Contents mismatch at: 0804002DH  (Flash=00H  Required=02H) !
Contents mismatch at: 0804002EH  (Flash=01H  Required=07H) !
Contents mismatch at: 0804002FH  (Flash=89H  Required=EBH) !
Contents mismatch at: 08040030H  (Flash=00H  Required=84H) !
Contents mismatch at: 08040032H  (Flash=00H  Required=23H) !
Contents mismatch at: 08040033H  (Flash=42H  Required=46H) !
Contents mismatch at: 08040034H  (Flash=03H  Required=F7H) !
Contents mismatch at: 08040035H  (Flash=90H  Required=F7H) !
Contents mismatch at: 08040036H  (Flash=01H  Required=3DH) !
Contents mismatch at: 08040037H  (Flash=99H  Required=FBH) !
Contents mismatch at: 08040038H  (Flash=00H  Required=01H) !
Contents mismatch at: 08040039H  (Flash=00H  Required=20H) !
Contents mismatch at: 0804003AH  (Flash=00H  Required=06H) !
Contents mismatch at: 0804003BH  (Flash=00H  Required=90H) !
Contents mismatch at: 0804003CH  (Flash=00H  Required=12H) !
Contents mismatch at: 0804003DH  (Flash=80H  Required=E0H) !
Contents mismatch at: 0804003EH  (Flash=00H  Required=01H) !
Contents mismatch at: 0804003FH  (Flash=00H  Required=20H) !
Contents mismatch at: 08040040H  (Flash=00H  Required=04H) !
Contents mismatch at: 08040042H  (Flash=08H  Required=0FH) !
Contents mismatch at: 08040043H  (Flash=40H  Required=E0H) !
Contents mismatch at: 08040044H  (Flash=02H  Required=0BH) !
Contents mismatch at: 08040045H  (Flash=80H  Required=EBH) !
Contents mismatch at: 08040046H  (Flash=00H  Required=84H) !
Contents mismatch at: 08040047H  (Flash=00H  Required=02H) !
Contents mismatch at: 08040048H  (Flash=01H  Required=23H) !
Contents mismatch at: 08040049H  (Flash=00H  Required=46H) !
Contents mismatch at: 0804004AH  (Flash=48H  Required=59H) !
Contents mismatch at: 0804004BH  (Flash=42H  Required=46H) !
Contents mismatch at: 0804004CH  (Flash=00H  Required=38H) !
Contents mismatch at: 0804004DH  (Flash=00H  Required=46H) !
Contents mismatch at: 0804004EH  (Flash=D5H  Required=F7H) !
Contents mismatch at: 0804004FH  (Flash=E1H  Required=F7H) !
Contents mismatch at: 08040050H  (Flash=00H  Required=30H) !
Contents mismatch at: 08040051H  (Flash=10H  Required=FBH) !
Contents mismatch at: 08040052H  (Flash=08H  Required=0BH) !
Contents mismatch at: 08040053H  (Flash=00H  Required=9AH) !
Contents mismatch at: 08040055H  (Flash=80H  Required=EBH) !
Contents mismatch at: 08040058H  (Flash=02H  Required=07H) !
Contents mismatch at: 08040059H  (Flash=00H  Required=EBH) !
Contents mismatch at: 0804005AH  (Flash=80H  Required=84H) !
Contents mismatch at: 0804005CH  (Flash=03H  Required=23H) !
Contents mismatch at: 0804005DH  (Flash=42H  Required=46H) !
Contents mismatch at: 0804005EH  (Flash=00H  Required=F7H) !
Contents mismatch at: 0804005FH  (Flash=90H  Required=F7H) !
Contents mismatch at: 08040060H  (Flash=00H  Required=28H) !
Contents mismatch at: 08040061H  (Flash=F1H  Required=FBH) !
Contents mismatch at: 08040063H  (Flash=30H  Required=BFH) !
Contents mismatch at: 08040065H  (Flash=90H  Required=BFH) !
Contents mismatch at: 08040067H  (Flash=90H  Required=98H) !
Contents mismatch at: 08040069H  (Flash=10H  Required=90H) !
Contents mismatch at: 0804006AH  (Flash=00H  Required=08H) !
Contents mismatch at: 0804006BH  (Flash=08H  Required=2CH) !
Contents mismatch at: 0804006CH  (Flash=00H  Required=0EH) !
Contents mismatch at: 0804006DH  (Flash=C0H  Required=D1H) !
Contents mismatch at: 0804006EH  (Flash=00H  Required=07H) !
Contents mismatch at: 0804006FH  (Flash=41H  Required=EBH) !
Contents mismatch at: 08040070H  (Flash=00H  Required=84H) !
Contents mismatch at: 08040071H  (Flash=00H  Required=02H) !
Contents mismatch at: 08040072H  (Flash=08H  Required=39H) !
Contents mismatch at: 08040073H  (Flash=44H  Required=46H) !
Contents mismatch at: 08040074H  (Flash=00H  Required=28H) !
Contents mismatch at: 08040075H  (Flash=00H  Required=46H) !
Too many errors to display !
Error: Flash Download failed  -  "Cortex-M3"

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