
2019-03-26 16:05发布


Error connecting to the target:
Error 0x80002240/-121
Fatal Error during: Initialization, OCS, Control,
This error was generated by TI's USCIF driver

A bad controller handle has been given to a function,
either before attempting to open the controller, or after
having opened the controller and ignored its error status.
Valid controller handles are generated when attempts
to open the controller return a clean error status.

Sequence ID: 0
Error Code: -121
Error Class: 0x80002240
I/O Port = 240

Board Name: C5509A XDS510 Emulator
Cpu Name: CPU_1

Abort:                Close Code Composer Studio.
Retry:                Try to connect to the target again.
Cancel:                Remain disconnected from the target
Diagnostic:        Run diagnostic utility. 此帖出自小平头技术问答
友情提示: 此问题已得到解决,问题已经关闭,关闭后问题禁止继续编辑,回答。