JLINK_Halt()CPU could not be halted

2019-07-14 23:42发布

本帖最后由 kagaya 于 2014-4-27 04:15 编辑

自製STM32F103C8T6開發板 接上JTAG
用JLinkGDB測試 得到如下訊息

  1. 02-00-00000510-008C: T03F0 000:511 JLINK_GetidData(...) ScanLen=9 NumDevices=2 aId[0]=0x3BA00477 aIrRead[0]=0 aScanLen[0]=0 aScanRead[0]=0 (0000ms, 0502ms total)
  2. 02-00-00000510-0047: T03F0 000:511 JLINK_GetDeviceFamily()  returns 3 (0000ms, 0502ms total)
  3. 03-00-00000510-002C: J-Link found 2 JTAG devices, Total IRLen = 9
  4. 03-00-00000510-001F: JTAG ID: 0x3BA00477 (Cortex-M3)
  5. 02-00-00000510-003D: T03F0 000:511 JLINK_GetConfigData(...) (0000ms, 0502ms total)
  6. 02-00-00000512-0044: T03F0 000:511 JLINK_IsHalted()  returns FALSE (0002ms, 0504ms total)
  7. 03-00-00000514-0020: WARNING: CPU could not be halted
  8. 02-00-00000514-0056: T03F0 000:513 JLINK_Halt()CPU could not be halted  returns 0x01 (0002ms, 0504ms total)
  9. 03-00-00000514-0023: ERROR: Could not connect to target.
JLINK_Halt()CPU could not be halted
JLink的燈是紅 {MOD}的
想請問各位大大 有遇過這個問題嗎? 該如何除錯?

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