
2019-07-15 19:04发布

tica, Arial, sans-serif">仿真器为:WintechDigitalXDS560V2 STM USB EMULATOR
已经根据WintechDigital emulator installation guide成功安装emulator驱动,

并在CCS v5.2 New Target Configuration 中的Connect找到WintechDigital XDS560V2 STM USB Emulator。

在 device中选择TMS320C6416;Advanced窗口下的gel文件选dsp641x.gel

在CCS v5.2下Debug,然后提示出错,console错误如下:

Error connecting to the target:
(Error -1146 @ 0x0)
Device ID is not recognized or is not supported by driver.
Confirm device and emulator configuration is correct, or update device driver.
(Emulation package 5.0.747.0)

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