本帖最后由 mdevi 于 2014-6-28 11:58 编辑
请问,任意的双键按钮是怎样来判断的?单键按钮判断可以,但是双键按钮按下出现1 和 8 ,4 和 5判断是一样的,请问如何区别这角对线出现的按钮。
我使用的是行扫描法:PA2-PA5 PC3-PC5为所用的引脚。
xPORT_A=xPORT_A&(~0x3C); //0x3C(111100)
tmp=tmp&0x38; //00111000
if(0x38 != tmp)
Wait_ms(10); // Elimina
ting shiver
if(0x38 != (tmp & 0x38))
sccode = ~0x04; //从PA2开始扫描
while(0xFF != sccode)
xPORT_A = sccode;
tmp = xPORT_C;
tmp = tmp & 0x38 ;
if(0x38 != tmp )
recode = ((sccode & 0x3C) >> 2) & 0x0f | 0xf0; //PA: xxxx 00 >>2 = xxxx 11111101
tmpi = (~((tmp << 1) & 0xf0 | 0x0f)) & 0x7f | (~recode); //Mode:xxx(pc) xxxx(pa)
KeyCode[tmpj++] = tmpi;
sccode = (sccode << 1)|0x01;
j = tmpj;
i = fnKeycode(tmpj);
ComplexFlag = ComplexFlag + 1;
** name : ScanKey
** function :
** Scan from PA2 to PA5 to get the pressed key
void ScanKey()
u8 tmp, k, sccode, recode,Tmpsccode;
u8 TmpCode ,TmpPreCode = 0,TmpKeyCode[4] = {0};
u8 i,j, scancount = 2;
for(scancount; scancount > 0; scancount--) // Scanning repetitions
sccode = ~0x04;
Tmpsccode = sccode & 0x3C;
Wait_ms(5); // Scan from PA2
while(0x3C != Tmpsccode)
xPORT_A = sccode;
tmp = xPORT_C;
tmp = tmp & 0x38 ;
if(0x38 != tmp)
recode = ((sccode & 0x3C) >> 2) & 0x0f | 0xf0; //PA: xxxx 00 >>2 = xxxx 11111101
TmpCode = (~((tmp << 1) & 0xf0 | 0x0f)) & 0x7f | (~recode); //Mode:xxx(PC) xxxx(PA)
if(0 != TmpCode)
TmpCode = fnKeycode(TmpCode);
if((0x0F < TmpCode) && (TmpCode != 0xFF))
TmpKeyCode[0] = TmpCode;
break; // Press two keys at the same time
for(k = 0;k<(sizeof(TmpKeyCode)/sizeof(u8));k++)
if(0 == TmpKeyCode[k])
TmpKeyCode[k] = TmpCode;
sccode = (sccode << 1)|0x01;
Tmpsccode = sccode & 0x3C;
if(0x0F >= TmpKeyCode[0] ) // It still cannot to judgement whether click the two keys at the same time
/*TmpKeyCode insert into gu8_KeyCode which gu8_KeyCode is 0*/
for(k = 0;k<(sizeof(TmpKeyCode)/sizeof(u8));k++)
if(0 < TmpKeyCode[k])
for(i = 0; i<(sizeof(gu8_KeyCode)/sizeof(u8)); i++)
if(TmpKeyCode[k] != gu8_KeyCode[i])
for(j = 0;k<(sizeof(gu8_KeyCode)/sizeof(u8));j++)
if(0 == gu8_KeyCode[j])
gu8_KeyCode[j] = TmpKeyCode[k];
TmpKeyCode[k] = 0;
if(0 == TmpKeyCode[k]) break;
else break;
/*Sort as descending order*/
for(j=0;j<sizeof(gu8_KeyCode)/sizeof(u8) - 1; j++)
for(i=0;i<sizeof(gu8_KeyCode)/sizeof(u8) - 1 -j; i++)
if(gu8_KeyCode[i] < gu8_KeyCode[i+1])
TmpCode = gu8_KeyCode[i];
gu8_KeyCode[i] = gu8_KeyCode[i+1];
gu8_KeyCode[i+1] = TmpCode;
/*Delete repeat data*/
for(i = 0; i < sizeof(gu8_KeyCode)/sizeof(u8) ; i++)
if(0 != gu8_KeyCode[i])
k = 0;
if(gu8_KeyCode[i] == gu8_KeyCode[i+1])
for(j = i+1; j < sizeof(gu8_KeyCode)/sizeof(u8) -1; j++)
gu8_KeyCode[j] = gu8_KeyCode[j+1];
gu8_KeyCode[sizeof(gu8_KeyCode)/sizeof(u8)-1-k] = 0;
else break;
gu8_KeyCode[0] = TmpKeyCode[0] ;
Wait_ms(50); //Delay time
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