architecture Behavioral of nx3_top is
type state_type is (S0,S1,S2,S3);
signal state: state_type;
if(rising_edge(clk)) then
if state=S0 then --1
end if;
case state is --2
when S0=> if buttons='1' and switches(0)='0' and switches(1)='0' and switches(2)='0' and switches(3)='0' then leds(0) <='1'; state<=S1;end if;
when S1=> if buttons='1' and switches(0)='0' and switches(1)='1' and s w itches(2)='1' and switches(3)='0' then leds(1) <='1';state<=S2;end if;
when S2=> if buttons='1' and switches(0)='1' and switches(1)='0' and switches(2)='0' and switches(3)='0' then leds(2) <='1';state<=S3; end if;
when S3=> if buttons='1' and switches(0)='1' and switches(1)='0' and switches(2)='1' and switches(3)='0' then leds(3) <='1';state<=S0; end if;
when others=> state<=S0;
end case;
end if;
end process;
先写1 if语句块在写case语句块是对的 反一下就不对了 但是我感觉没什么关系啊
end Behavioral
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