STM8L10x 中断库函数FunctionalState NewState的问题

2019-07-15 22:53发布

使用STM8L101F3P芯片,用iar库函数,想实现最简单的按键中断,在库里有一函数void EXti_SetHalfPortSelection(EXTI_HalfPort_TypeDef EXTI_HalfPort,                               FunctionalState NewState)如图所示,在使用这个函数的时候,EXTI_HalfPort_TypeDef EXTI_HalfPort可以使用上面提供的组合,例如EXTI_HalfPort_B_LSB可是FunctionalState NewState这个应该填什么进去呢,说明没有提供,直接填上十六进制数上去也不行,请教大家一下,谢谢...!
/**  * @brief  Configure the half port interrupt selection.  * @note   This function must be called once the port sensitivity is configured,  *          otherwise this function call won't have any effect on the port external interrupt.  * @param  EXTI_HalfPort The port part  to access (MSB or LSB).  *          This parameter can be any combination of the following values:  *            @arg EXTI_HalfPort_B_LSB:     Interrupt selector PB(3:0)  *            @arg EXTI_HalfPort_B_MSB:     Interrupt selector PB(7:4)  *            @arg EXTI_HalfPort_D_LSB:     Interrupt selector PE(3:0)  *            @arg EXTI_HalfPort_D_MSB:     Interrupt selector PE(7:4)  * @param  NewState  The external interrupt new state.  * @retval None  */void EXTI_SetHalfPortSelection(EXTI_HalfPort_TypeDef EXTI_HalfPort,                               FunctionalState NewState){  /* Check function parameters */  assert_param(IS_EXTI_HALFPORT(EXTI_HalfPort));  assert_param(IS_FUNCTIONAL_STATE(NewState));
  if (NewState != DISABLE)  {    EXTI->CONF |= (uint8_t)EXTI_HalfPort; /* Enable port interrupt selector */  }  else /*NewState == DISABLE */  {    EXTI->CONF &= (uint8_t)(~(uint8_t)EXTI_HalfPort); /* Disable port interrupt selector */  }}
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