- #ifdef __cplusplus
- extern "C" {
- #endif
- void PolyphaseMono(short *pcm, int *vbuf, const int *coefBase);
- void PolyphaseStereo(short *pcm, int *vbuf, const int *coefBase);
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- }
- #endif
复制代码- #if (defined _WIN32 && !defined _WIN32_WCE) || (defined __WINS__ && defined _SYMBIAN) || defined(_OPENWAVE_SIMULATOR) || defined(WINCE_EMULATOR) /* Symbian emulator for Ix86 */
- #pragma warning( disable : 4035 ) /* complains about inline asm not returning a value */
- static __inline int MULSHIFT32(int x, int y)
- {
- __asm {
- mov eax, x
- imul y
- mov eax, edx
- }
- }
- static __inline int FASTABS(int x)
- {
- int sign;
- sign = x >> (sizeof(int) * 8 - 1);
- x ^= sign;
- x -= sign;
- return x;
- }
- static __inline int CLZ(int x)
- {
- int numZeros;
- if (!x)
- return (sizeof(int) * 8);
- numZeros = 0;
- while (!(x & 0x80000000)) {
- numZeros++;
- x <<= 1;
- }
- return numZeros;
- }
- /* MADD64, SHL64, SAR64:
- * write in assembly to avoid dependency on run-time lib for 64-bit shifts, muls
- * (sometimes compiler thunks to function calls instead of code generating)
- * required for Symbian emulator
- */
- #ifdef __CW32__
- typedef long long Word64;
- #else
- typedef __int64 Word64;
- #endif
- static __inline Word64 MADD64(Word64 sum, int x, int y)
- {
- unsigned int sumLo = ((unsigned int *)&sum)[0];
- int sumHi = ((int *)&sum)[1];
- __asm {
- mov eax, x
- imul y
- add eax, sumLo
- adc edx, sumHi
- }
- /* equivalent to return (sum + ((__int64)x * y)); */
- }
- static __inline Word64 SHL64(Word64 x, int n)
- {
- unsigned int xLo = ((unsigned int *)&x)[0];
- int xHi = ((int *)&x)[1];
- unsigned char nb = (unsigned char)n;
- if (n < 32) {
- __asm {
- mov edx, xHi
- mov eax, xLo
- mov cl, nb
- shld edx, eax, cl
- shl eax, cl
- }
- } else if (n < 64) {
- /* shl masks cl to 0x1f */
- __asm {
- mov edx, xLo
- mov cl, nb
- xor eax, eax
- shl edx, cl
- }
- } else {
- __asm {
- xor edx, edx
- xor eax, eax
- }
- }
- }
- static __inline Word64 SAR64(Word64 x, int n)
- {
- unsigned int xLo = ((unsigned int *)&x)[0];
- int xHi = ((int *)&x)[1];
- unsigned char nb = (unsigned char)n;
- if (n < 32) {
- __asm {
- mov edx, xHi
- mov eax, xLo
- mov cl, nb
- shrd eax, edx, cl
- sar edx, cl
- }
- } else if (n < 64) {
- /* sar masks cl to 0x1f */
- __asm {
- mov edx, xHi
- mov eax, xHi
- mov cl, nb
- sar edx, 31
- sar eax, cl
- }
- } else {
- __asm {
- sar xHi, 31
- mov eax, xHi
- mov edx, xHi
- }
- }
- }
- #elif (defined _WIN32) && (defined _WIN32_WCE)
- /* use asm function for now (EVC++ 3.0 does horrible job compiling __int64 version) */
- #define MULSHIFT32 xmp3_MULSHIFT32
- int MULSHIFT32(int x, int y);
- static __inline int FASTABS(int x)
- {
- int sign;
- sign = x >> (sizeof(int) * 8 - 1);
- x ^= sign;
- x -= sign;
- return x;
- }
- static __inline int CLZ(int x)
- {
- int numZeros;
- if (!x)
- return (sizeof(int) * 8);
- numZeros = 0;
- while (!(x & 0x80000000)) {
- numZeros++;
- x <<= 1;
- }
- return numZeros;
- }
- #elif defined ARM_ADS
- static __inline int MULSHIFT32(int x, int y)
- {
- int zlow;
- __asm {
- smull zlow,y,x,y
- }
- return y;
- }
- static __inline int FASTABS(int x)
- {
- int t=0; /*Really is not necessary to initialiaze only to avoid warning*/
- __asm {
- eor t, x, x, asr #31 // T:=X XOR (X>>31)
- sub t, t, x, asr #31 // T:=T-(X>>31)
- }
- return t;
- }
- static __inline int CLZ(int x)
- {
- int numZeros;
- if (!x)
- return (sizeof(int) * 8);
- numZeros = 0;
- while (!(x & 0x80000000)) {
- numZeros++;
- x <<= 1;
- }
- return numZeros;
- }
- #elif defined(__GNUC__) && defined(ARM)
- typedef long long Word64;
- #define MULSHIFT32 xmp3_MULSHIFT32
- extern int MULSHIFT32(int x, int y);
- #define FASTABS xmp3_FASTABS
- int FASTABS(int x);
- static __inline int CLZ(int x)
- {
- int numZeros;
- if (!x)
- return (sizeof(int) * 8);
- numZeros = 0;
- while (!(x & 0x80000000)) {
- numZeros++;
- x <<= 1;
- }
- return numZeros;
- }
- #else
- #error Unsupported platform in assembly.h
- #endif /* platforms */
- #endif /* _ASSEMBLY_H */
如上在一个头文件里面这样定义了,在.c文件里调用的时候就提示(.c文件里包含了这些头文件)- Description Resource Path Location Type
- unresolved symbol FASTABS, first referenced in ./stproc.obj mp3_6 C/C++ Problem
- unresolved symbol MULSHIFT32, first referenced in ./stproc.obj mp3_6 C/C++ Problem
- unresolved symbol PolyphaseMono, first referenced in ./subband.obj mp3_6 C/C++ Problem
友情提示: 此问题已得到解决,问题已经关闭,关闭后问题禁止继续编辑,回答。
其实也不多,就是关于这3个函数的条件编译,,我调用这3个函数时就报错说unresolved symbol
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