Unused I/O pins should be configured as I/O function, output direction, and left unconnected on the PCboard, to prevent a floating input and reduce power consumption. The value of the PxOUT bit is don't
care, since the pin is unconnected. Alternatively, the integrated pullup/pulldown resistor can be enabled by
setting the PxREN bit of the unused pin to prevent the floating input.
也就是说对没有使用的io口 要设置为输出 输出值不用在意,设置PXREN,也就是内部上下拉电阻,这样可以阻止悬浮电流。问题是PXREN具体改怎么设置?设置为多少?
有一点不太明白。LPM3模式下只有ACLK工作,但是我想让adc和uart在LPM3模式下还是可以进中断服务函数。那么是不是说只有把adc uart的时候源设置成ACLK才行呢?还是说LPM3模式下不管他们的时候源是什么,都可以响应中断?
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