ccs cmd文件的修改

2019-07-16 16:18发布

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2019-07-17 22:33
你没提用的什么ccs和bios版本。我的ccs5.x+SYS/BIOS 6.35 要在app.cfg文件里手动加一句,设置存贮分配的section哪些由bios管理,哪些由用户管理。不记得是哪个文档里看到的,好在我把说明复制了一份放到注释里了:

To completely override the placement of all output sections you can define sectionsExclude to match any string.
      // Note: the '.' below represents _any_ character, not just "."
      Program.sectionsExclude = ".*";

To override output sections that begin with '.' you must specify the literal character '.' and use the '^' character to match the beginning of the string.
      // the sequence '^.' matches just "." at the start of the name
      Program.sectionsExclude = "^.";

To override a specific sections you should be careful to supply a regular expression that matches the entire section name. You can use '$' to match the end of the name.
      // match only ".const" or ".text"
      Program.sectionsExclude = "^.const$|^.text$";
Program.sectionsExclude = ".*";

SYS/BIOS 6以上应该都是这样,其它版本不详。要弄明白BIOS这套东西,很多文档要看一下。

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