单片机VCC输入3.3V 不工作 求解

2019-07-16 17:55发布

单片机型号 atmega8,升压芯片固定输出3.3V  ,VBB小于2.3V时 单片机不工作,大于2.3V时  运行正常。  百思不得其解!!  ! A(R0IQ4~6S((R[MZ@]K%_DB.png
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2019-07-17 13:31
1. The Power-on Reset will not work unless the supply voltage has been below VPOT (falling)
2. VBOT may be below nominal minimum operating voltage for some devices. For devices where
this is the case, the device is tested down to VCC = VBOT during the production test. This guarantees
that a Brown-out Reset will occur before VCC drops to a voltage where correct
operation of the microcontroller is no longer guaranteed. The test is performed using BODLEVEL
= 1 for ATmega8L and BODLEVEL = 0 for ATmega8. BODLEVEL = 1 is not applicable
for ATmega8

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