
2019-07-17 09:00发布

其他信息:9 Project link errors
Error generating type library.  Midl.exe failed while compiling the odl file used to create the type library.
Note: The error indicates that the odl file has unknown types. This error is possible when
functions with non-standard types are exported using the export qualifier method from files in
release configuration that have not been recompiled during the build process. You can mark all
files for recompilation and repeat the build. To avoid this situation, it is recommended that
you export these functions using the include file method.
Use the generated odl file "c:UserschangAppDataLocalTempdlltemp3919.111906Math_Add1.odl" with the command line:
D:Program Files (x86)National InstrumentsSharedMSDTRedistributablesBuildTools8.1midl.exe "c:UserschangAppDataLocalTempdlltemp3919.111906Math_Add1.odl" /win32 /mktyplib203 /tlb "Math_Add1.tlb" /ID:Program Files (x86)National InstrumentsSharedMSDTRedistributablesBuildTools8.1 /cpp_cmd d:program files (x86) ational instrumentssharedlvdb 2015inpreprocessor.exe
to see what errors midl.exe reported.


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