int bwtekReadTemperature
int nCommand,
int *nADValue, \ AD Value Range: 0 - 4095
double *nTemperature, \ Temperature will be in Celsius
int nChannel
This function is for reading the temperature of the CCD Detector OR read the ambient temperature.
nCommand is a flag of specific temperature: 0x10 for CCD detector temperature, 0x11 for ambient temperature reading.
*nADValue is a pointer to an integer return value. It is reserved.
*nTemperature is a pointer to float pointer value of temperature. The temperature units are degrees Celsius.
nChannel is used to address a specific spectrometer device to be operated when multiple spectrometer devices are involved. Users must call the bwtekSetupChannel function to determine which channel numbers are available. A total of 32 spectrometer devices may be connected at one time, where the nChannel value will range from 0 – 31. Default is 0. If only one spectrometer is connected to computer, set nChannel to 0.
If the function call is successful, a positive integer will be returned, else a negative integer will be returned.
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