void delay_1us(void){ int sec; for(sec=0;sec<8;sec++) { _NOP(); }}void Transmit_Start(void){ P9DIR|=0x02; SDA_1(); SCL_0(); delay_1us(); SCL_1(); delay_1us(); SDA_0(); delay_1us(); SCL_0(); delay_1us(); SCL_1(); delay_1us(); SDA_1(); delay_1us(); SCL_0();}void Connection_Reset(void){ unsigned int i; delay_1us(); SDA_1(); delay_1us(); SCL_0(); delay_1us(); for(i = 0; i < 9 ; i++) { SCL_1(); delay_1us(); SCL_0(); delay_1us(); } Transmit_Start();}char Write_Byte (unsigned char value)
{ unsigned char k,error=0; P9DIR|=0X02;P9REN&=0xFD;//1OUT delay_1us(); for(k=0;k<8;k++,value<<=1) {
if(value & 0x80) { SDA_1(); } else { SDA_0(); } delay_1us(); SCL_1(); delay_1us(); SCL_0(); delay_1us(); } P9DIR&=0XFD;P9REN|=0x02;P9OUT|=0x02;//9.1Input with pullup resistor SCL_1(); delay_1us(); error =P9IN&0X02; SCL_0(); delay_1us(); P9DIR|=0x02; delay_1us(); SDA_1();SDA_1(); return error;}
char Read_Byte(unsigned char ack){ unsigned char i,val =0x00; P9DIR&=0XFD;P9REN|=0x02;P9OUT|=0x02;//9.1输入模式,选择上拉电阻 for(i=0;i<8;i++) { val<<=1; SCL_1(); delay_1us(); if(P9IN&0X02) val =(val|0x1); SCL_1(); delay_1us(); } P9DIR|=0X02;P9REN&=0xFD;//9.1 OUT delay_1us(); if(ack==1) { SDA_0(); } else { SDA_1(); } _NOP(); SCL_1(); delay_1us(); SCL_0(); delay_1us(); P9DIR&=0XFD;P9REN|=0x02;P9OUT|=0x02;//9.1输入模式,选择上拉电阻 delay_1us(); return val;}
char Measure_Mode(unsigned char *P_Value,unsigned char *P_Checksum,unsigned char Mode){
unsigned char error=0;
unsigned int i,j; Transmit_Start();
case 0: error+= Write_Byte(measure_temp); break;
case 1: error+= Write_Byte(measure_humi); break;
default: break;
} for(j=125;j>0;j--) { for(i=65535;i>0;i--) {
if(P9IN&0X02==0) break; } if(P9IN&0X02==0) break; }
if(P9IN&0X02) error+=1;
*P_Value =Read_Byte(ACK);
*(P_Value+1) =Read_Byte(ACK);
*P_Checksum =Read_Byte(noACK); P9DIR|=0x02;
return error;}
void Cal_SHT11(float *P_Temp,float *P_Humi){
const float C1 =-2.0468;
const float C2 =+0.0367;
const float C3 =-0.0000015955;
const float T1 =+0.01;
const float T2 =0.00008;
float rh =*P_Humi;
float t =*P_Temp;
float rh_near,rh_true,t_c;
t_c =t*0.01-40.1;
rh_near =C1+C2*rh+C3*rh*rh;
rh_true =(t_c-25)*(T1+T2*rh)+rh_near;
if(rh_true>100) rh_true=100; //cut if the value is outside of if(rh_true<0.1) rh_true=0.1; //the physical possible range
*P_Temp =t_c;
*P_Humi =rh_true;
void Data_To_String(SHTscatter *Time,float DATA,float DATA1){
unsigned int i;char gewei,shiwei;
gewei =i%10;
Time->DATAstrings1[0] = shiwei + '0';
Time->DATAstrings1[1] = gewei + '0';
Time->DATAstrings1[2] ='.';
Time->DATAstrings1[3] = i + '0';
Time->DATAstrings1[4] = ' ';
gewei =i%10;
Time->DATAstrings2[0] = shiwei + '0';
Time->DATAstrings2[1] = gewei + '0';
Time->DATAstrings2[2] ='.';
Time->DATAstrings2[3] = i + '0';
Time->DATAstrings2[4] = ' ';}
void Show_Tehu(void){
SHTscatter S;
SHTValue Temp_Value,Humi_Value;
unsigned char error,checksum;
error =0;
error =Measure_Mode((unsigned char*) &Humi_Value.i,&checksum,1)+error; //湿度
error =Measure_Mode((unsigned char*) &Temp_Value.i,&checksum,0)+error; //温度 if(error!=0) {
Connection_Reset(); } else { Humi_Value.f =(float)Humi_Value.i; Temp_Value.f =(float)Temp_Value.i; Cal_SHT11(&Humi_Value.f,&Temp_Value.f); Data_To_String(&S,Temp_Value.f,Humi_Value.f); PutStringEN24(188,200,S.DATAstrings1);
//温度值 PutStringEN24(140,200,S.DATAstrings2);
//相对湿度值(%) }}
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