数学知识 同余与模算术

2019-04-13 13:50发布

Problem K
FunnyAC likes mathematics very much. He thinks mathematics is very funny and beautiful.When he solved a math problem he would be very happy just like getting accepted in ACM.Recently, he find a very strange problem.Everyone know that the sum of sequence from 1 to n is n*(n + 1)/2. But now if we create a sequence which consists of the sum of sequence from 1 to n. The new sequence is 1, 1+ 2, 1+2+3, …. 1+2+…+n. Now the problem is that what is the sum of the sequence from1 to 1+2+…+n .Is it very simple? I think you can solve it. Good luck!
The first line contain an integer T .Then T cases followed. Each case contain an integer n (1 <= n <= 10000000).
For each case,output the sum of first n items in the new sequence. Because the sum is very larger, so output sum % 20090524. 这个题如果使用递归直接算的话,数据绝对会爆掉。。。。。。。
但是,可以自己推出公式 Sn = n(n+1)(n+2)/6;
(a+b) mod n=((a mod n)+(b mod n)) mod n
(a-b) mod n=((a mod n)-(b mod n)+n) mod n
ab mod n=(a mod n)(b mod n) mod n #include int main() { int t; scanf("%d",&t); while(t--) { long long n; scanf("%I64d",&n); if(n == 1) { printf("1 "); continue; } long long ans = (n*(n+1))%(20090524*6); ans = (ans*(n+2)/6)%20090524; printf("%lld ",ans); } return 0; } 成功解决,ok。