GMAT Exam on 20 April 2018 - First attempt

2019-04-13 14:01发布


I sit the GMAT (Graduate Management Admission Test) exam on 20th April 2018 for the first attempt, the overall score was 670. I targeted at 700 and tried my best, though didn’t achieve my goal and felt little disappointed, I decided to use this score to apply the business school and it is the end of the applying season now.

Study experience

I think GMAT exam is the most difficult exam I have ever taken so far. I spent more than half a year to prepare, juggle between work and study was not easy. I took a training course in 2017, first studied XDF (新东方) material, then OG (Official Guide) 17, OG18. Watched all the video from Master Ron. Then did the mock exam on GWD, Pre07, Prep08, Official GMAT software. I scored 750 and 760 on GMAT official software, one reason to score so high was after so many practice, you will encounter the same questions in the mock exam. I use 模考盒子 for mock exam, it is not CAT (computer adaptive testing), so the score may not be accurate. I feel GWD is difficult, maybe the same level as the real exam. Manhattan quantitative is more difficult than the exam, and Manhattan Verbal is easier than the real exam, I always score 40+ on Manhattan verbal section. I spent most of the time to study Sentence Correction in verbal, but after I purchased the ESR I found I still lost most of the points on the SC, it is really frustrating. ESR,

Material used

Received training from training organization
OG (Official Guide) 17, OG18
Official GMAT software.
Manhattanprep Thursdays With Ron Video

The result

GMAT result

Looking back (Lesson learned)

  • You will not accomplish your target score in one try, at least for myself, first attempt to score 670, I should give the first exam attempt earlier, then I still have the 2nd try or 3rd try, maybe I will score 700+, who knows. I read many other people’s experiences, certain people score 700+ in the first try, I am not one of them. And I noticed most people tried many times to score 700+.
  • Attending GMAT training is not necessary, wasting my time and money, big lesson.
  • Do not use XDF(新东方) material, after so many hours spending time on those, the return was not as expected
  • If I have the chance to study again or if I started all over again, I will go for Gmat clube subscription, or magoosh, for practicing and study, this is not ads.
Study hard, you will get what you wanted!


Gmat club forum
Chase dream forum
NUS MBA official website
GMAC website
GMAT Willy
Manhattanprep Thursdays With Ron