电音风格之Future Bass【待续】

2019-04-13 14:04发布

wiki百科的说明: Future Bass是一种音乐的流派,兴起于2006年左右的英国、美国、日本、中国和澳大利亚等地区。它所包含的音乐范围比较广,通常以丰富的合成器声音、节奏为特 {MOD}。FB的先锋开拓者主要是Flume和Cashmere Cat,并在2015年前后由Marshmello,Mura Masa,Louis the Child这些艺人给推广开来。2016年被视为FB音乐的爆发年。 Future bass is a music genre that arose around 2006 in the United Kingdom, United States, Japan, China and Australia. It is a broad genre of music, offering a wide variety of sounds and rhythms normally produced by a synthesizer. The genre was pioneered by Flume and Cashmere Cat and was popularized in the mid-2010s by artists like Marshmello, Mura Masa and Louis the Child.2016 was seen as the breakout year for the genre. FB集中于强硬的低音声线(贝斯),以及包含锯齿波和方形波的失谐合成器。FB通常使用自动化或低频振荡来控制声波,以控制音频滤波器(通常为低通或高通滤波器)的截止(cutoff),以使波形更响亮或更安静。另外,通过使用琶音和弦,声音拼音或声码器,在“risers”(drop段前的力量积累)期间,通常会有音调的逐渐上升。 Future bass is described as having a focus on a hard bassline with detuned synthesizers mostly including sawtooth waves and square waves. The sound waves are often modulated using automation or low-frequency oscillation controlling the cutoff of an audio filter (typically a low- or high-pass filter) to make the waveform sound louder or quieter. In addition, it is common to find the utilization of a somewhat "twinkly-sounding" gradual rise in pitch during "risers" (pre-drop buildups) using arpeggio chords, vocal chops or vocoders FB其实和trap的节奏和鼓的(beat和drum)风格很像,因此也被称为“后现代trap”,但是和trap最大的区别是,fb听起来会有比较欢乐明亮的感觉,而trap则更偏向于黑暗阴郁。 典型的FB类型歌曲有: Chainsmokers: 《Roses》,《Closer》
Marshmello:《Alone》 FB的tempo速度范围很大,慢的BPM可以到80左右,快的可以到160左右。和弦波是锯齿状或者方波。 一首典型EDM的构成有以下几个部分:
- Intro:引入,歌曲的最开始部分
- Breakdown:主歌,高潮前的主要旋律
- Build-up:高潮前的铺垫
- Drop:高潮部分,也就是最让听众想跟着舞动的部分
- Bridge:桥接部分,连接重复的Drop之间,增加多样性


三和弦Triad和七和弦Seventh chord的概念。
大和弦(Major)和小和弦(Minor)的概念和构成。(请参看NiceChord好和弦——和弦符号全解) 一个音 {MOD}很适合fb风格的logic合成器syns :flume FL oom volume fb最典型的和弦就是大七和弦和小七和弦。

和弦逆转 Chord Inversions

一个fb特 {MOD}的和弦进行例子: Amin7,Emin7,FMajor7 而和弦逆转是指什么呢? 即和弦不必由同一个声部的音构成,可以由跨声部的音构成,只要保持音名依然是相同的就可以。 文章参考:
1. wiki——Future Bass
2. How To MakeFuture Bass -The DNA of Future Bass
3. EDM學院-一次就上手,看懂EDM結構編排!