数论 费马小定理+快速幂取模

2019-04-13 16:03发布

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Input 2 Output 2 Hint 1. For N = 2, S(1) = S(2) = 1. 2. The input file consists of multiple test cases. Sample Input 2 Sample Output 2 Hint 1. For N = 2, S(1) = S(2) = 1. 2. The input file consists of multiple test cases. 思路:首先根据规律找出sum=2^(n-1),转化为求2^(n-1)%mod利用费马小定理a^b%c=a^(b%(c-1))%c所以解决这个问题只需要两部1.用大数取余求得(N-1)%mod-12.用快速幂求得a^b%modac代码:#include #include #include #define mod 1000000007 using namespace std; char a[10000005]; long long quickmod(long long  a, long long  b) {     long long ans=1;     while(b)     {         if(b&1)         {             ans=(ans*a)%mod;         }         b=b/2;         a=(a*a)%mod;     }     return ans; } int main() {     long long sum,len;     while(gets(a))     {         len=strlen(a);         sum=0;         for(int i=0;i