#include "stdafx.h"
#include "cv.h"
#include "highgui.h"
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
CvCapture *capture = cvCreateFileCapture("F:\毕业相关的程序\测试数据集\events_14-33-View_001.mov");
IplImage *mframe, *current, *frg, *test;
int *fg, *bg_bw, *rank_ind;
double *w, *mean, *sd, *u_diff, *rank;
int C, M, sd_init, i, j, k, m, rand_temp = 0, rank_ind_temp = 0, min_index = 0, x = 0, y = 0, counter_frame = 0;
double D, alph, thresh, p, temp;
CvRNG state;//基本随机数
int match, height, width;
mframe = cvQueryFrame(capture);
frg = cvCreateImage(cvSize(mframe->width, mframe->height), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1);
current = cvCreateImage(cvSize(mframe->width, mframe->height), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1);
test = cvCreateImage(cvSize(mframe->width, mframe->height), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1);
C = 4; //number of gaussian components (typically 3-5)
M = 4; //number of background components
sd_init = 6; //initial standard deviation (for new components) var = 36 in paper 初始化偏差
alph = 0.01; //learning rate (between 0 and 1) (from paper 0.01) 学习率
D = 2.5; //positive deviation threshold 积极偏差阈值
thresh = 0.25; //foreground threshold (0.25 or 0.75 in paper) 前景阈值
p = alph / (1 / C); //initial p variable (used to update mean and sd)
height = current->height; width = current->widthStep;
fg = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int)*width*height); //foreground array 前景数组
bg_bw = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int)*width*height); //background array 背景数组
rank = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double) * 1 * C); //rank of components (w/sd) 级别的组件
w = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*width*height*C); //weights array 权重数组
mean = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*width*height*C); //pixel means 均值
sd = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*width*height*C); //pixel standard deviations 像素标准偏差
u_diff = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*width*height*C); //difference of each pixel from mean 每个像素与平均值的差异
for (i = 0; ifor (j = 0; jfor (k = 0; k255;//返回均匀分布,0-1之间的小数
w[i*width*C + j*C + k] = (double)1 / C;//
sd[i*width*C + j*C + k] = sd_init;//偏差=6
while (1){
rank_ind = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int)*C);
cvCvtColor(mframe, current, CV_BGR2GRAY);//rgb空间转换为GRAY空间
// calculate difference of pixel values from mean 从均值中计算像素的差
for (i = 0; ifor (j = 0; jfor (m = 0; mabs((uchar)current->imageData[i*width + j] - mean[i*width*C + j*C + m]);//计算当前像素值和均值的绝对值
//update gaussian components for each pixel 问每一个像素更新高斯参数
for (i = 0; ifor (j = 0; j0;//匹配值
temp = 0;
for (k = 0; kif (abs(u_diff[i*width*C + j*C + k]) <= D*sd[i*width*C + j*C + k]) //pixel matches component像素匹配部分 如果像素的偏差在2.5个方差之内,那么认为是背景
match = 1; // variable to signal component match
//update weights, mean, sd, p 更新权值,均值和像素标准偏差,
w[i*width*C + j*C + k] = (1 - alph)*w[i*width*C + j*C + k] + alph;//更新权重
p = alph / w[i*width*C + j*C + k];//更新
mean[i*width*C + j*C + k] = (1 - p)*mean[i*width*C + j*C + k] + p*(uchar)current->imageData[i*width + j];//更新均值
sd[i*width*C + j*C + k] = sqrt((1 - p)*(sd[i*width*C + j*C + k] * sd[i*width*C + j*C + k]) + p*(pow((uchar)current->imageData[i*width + j] - mean[i*width*C + j*C + k], 2)));//sqrt'非负实数的平方根函数
w[i*width*C + j*C + k] = (1 - alph)*w[i*width*C + j*C + k]; // weight slighly decreases如果不属于,权重减少
temp += w[i*width*C + j*C + k];//临时存储权重
for (k = 0; k0;//背景数组
for (k = 0; k//每一个像素的背景数组为当前的值+权重*均值
if (w[i*width*C + j*C + k] <= temp)//如果权重小于此时的背景数组
min_index = k;
temp = w[i*width*C + j*C + k];
rank_ind[k] = k;
test->imageData[i*width + j] = (uchar)bg_bw[i*width + j];//测数据中存入数值
//if no components match, create new component
if (match == 0)
mean[i*width*C + j*C + min_index] = (uchar)current->imageData[i*width + j];//均值为当前像素值
//printf("%d ",(uchar)bg->imageData[i*width+j]);
sd[i*width*C + j*C + min_index] = sd_init;//标准差为为初始最大值
for (k = 0; k//把权重除以方差从大到小排序
//printf("%f ",w[i*width*C+j*C+k]);
//sort rank values
for (k = 1; kfor (m = 0; mif (rank[k] > rank[m])
//swap max values
rand_temp = rank[m];
rank[m] = rank[k];
rank[k] = rand_temp;
//swap max index values
rank_ind_temp = rank_ind[m];
rank_ind[m] = rank_ind[k];
rank_ind[k] = rank_ind_temp;
//calculate foreground 计算背景
match = 0; k = 0;
while ((match == 0) && (kif (w[i*width*C + j*C + rank_ind[k]] >= thresh)
if (abs(u_diff[i*width*C + j*C + rank_ind[k]]) <= D*sd[i*width*C + j*C + rank_ind[k]]){
frg->imageData[i*width + j] = 0;
match = 1;
frg->imageData[i*width + j] = (uchar)current->imageData[i*width + j];
k = k + 1;
mframe = cvQueryFrame(capture);
cvShowImage("fore", frg);
cvShowImage("back", test);
char s = cvWaitKey(33);
if (s == 27) break;
free(fg); free(w); free(mean); free(sd); free(u_diff); free(rank);
cvNamedWindow("back", 0);
cvNamedWindow("fore", 0);
return 0;