
2019-04-14 20:32发布矩阵简介
Note: array * mat也是矩阵相乘,而不是点乘。
1. numpy中二维数组不支持求逆运算(给gui),但可以使用scripy中的linalg.inv()函数求逆。2. lz建议使用二维ndarray代替matrix,结合使用scripy.linalg库可以实现全部矩阵运算。[Scipy教程 - 线性代数库linalg]

Matrix objects矩阵对象
>>> a = np.matrix(’1 2; 3 4’)
>>> print a
[[1 2]
[3 4]]
>>> np.matrix([[1, 2], [3, 4]])
matrix([[1, 2],
[3, 4]])Note:1. class numpy.matrix(data,dtype,copy):返回一个矩阵,其中data为ndarray对象或者字符形式;dtype:为data的type;copy:为bool类型。
2. 矩阵的换行必须是用分号(;)隔开,内部数据必须为字符串形式(‘ ’),矩阵的元素之间必须以空格隔开。3. 矩阵中的data可以为数组对象。np.asmatrix
>>> x = np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]])
>>> m = np.asmatrix(x)
>>> x[0,0] = 5
>>> m
matrix([[5, 2],
[3, 4]])
[numpy-ref-1.8.1 - 1.6.2 Matrix objects p120]Matrix矩阵对象方法使用示例
>>> a = np.asmatrix('0 2 7; 3 4 8; 5 0 9') >>> a.all() False >>> a.all(axis=0) matrix([[False, False,  True]], dtype=bool) >>> a.all(axis=1) matrix([[False], [ True], [False]], dtype=bool) ü  Astype方法 >>> a.astype(float) matrix([[ 12.,   3.,   5.], [ 32.,  23.,   9.], [ 10., -14.,  78.]]) ü  Argsort方法 >>> a=np.matrix('12 3 5; 32 23 9; 10 -14 78') >>> a.argsort() matrix([[1, 2, 0], [2, 1, 0], [1, 0, 2]]) ü  Clip方法 >>> a matrix([[ 12,   3,   5], [ 32,  23,   9], [ 10, -14,  78]]) >>> a.clip(12,32) matrix([[12, 12, 12], [32, 23, 12], [12, 12, 32]]) ü  Cumprod方法 >>> a.cumprod(axis=1) matrix([[    12,     36,    180], [    32,    736,   6624], [    10,   -140, -10920]]) ü  Cumsum方法 >>> a.cumsum(axis=1) matrix([[12, 15, 20], [32, 55, 64], [10, -4, 74]]) ü  Tolist方法 >>> b.tolist() [[12, 3, 5], [32, 23, 9], [10, -14, 78]] ü  Tofile方法 >>> b.tofile('d:\b.txt') ü  compress()方法 >>> from numpy import * >>> a = array([10, 20, 30, 40]) >>> condition = (a > 15) & (a < 35) >>> condition array([False, True, True, False], dtype=bool) >>> a.compress(condition) array([20, 30]) >>> a[condition]                                      # same effect array([20, 30]) >>> compress(a >= 30, a)                              # this form a so exists array([30, 40]) >>> b = array([[10,20,30],[40,50,60]]) >>> b.compress(b.ravel() >= 22) array([30, 40, 50, 60]) >>> x = array([3,1,2]) >>> y = array([50, 101]) >>> b.compress(x >= 2, axis=1)                       # illustrates the use of the axis keyword array([[10, 30], [40, 60]]) >>> b.compress(y >= 100, axis=0) array([[40, 50, 60]])皮皮Blog

The Matrix class numpy矩阵类建立矩阵

Note: numpy.mat(data, dtype=None)   Interpret the input as a matrix.
Unlike matrix, asmatrix does not make a copy if the input is already a matrix or an ndarray. Equivalent to matrix(data, copy=False).
[numpy-ref-1.8.1 - 3.1.7 The Matrix class p484]
Matrix library矩阵库(numpy.matlib)
This module contains all functions in the numpy namespace, with the following replacement functions that return matrices instead of ndarrays.Functions that are also in the numpy namespace and return matrices

Replacement functions in matlib

[numpy-ref-1.8.1 - 3.21 Matrix library p940]from: