柔性电子:铁电 高分辨率和极大压力范围内内的线性响应

2019-04-14 20:34发布

在这里插入图片描述 材料:[https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/聚偏二氟乙烯] 在极化后具有铁电性,6-7pC/N 摘要:
Flexible pressure sensors with a high sensitivity over a broad linear range can simplify wearable sensing systems without additional signal processing for the linear output, enabling device miniaturization and low power consumption
结构:multilayer interlocked microdome geometry 多层连锁微圆顶几何结构
  1. 对于静态压力和动态压力有极高的分辨率 47.7 kPa−1, 1.3 Pa minimum detection
  2. 极宽的线性响应范围(0.0013−353 kPa),且响应时间极快20ms
  3. 高可靠性 在272kPa下重复5000个周期
Our sensor can be used to monitor diverse stimuli from a low to a high pressure range including weak gas flow, acoustic sound, wrist pulse pressure, respiration, and foot pressure with a single device.


[Preparation of Ferroelectric and Conductive Composite Films]: GO: 按照修改的Hummers方法:[48,49]
  1. 石墨烯粉末, K2S2O8K_2S_2O_8P2O5P_2O_5 分散到浓硫酸溶液中concentrated H2SO4H_2SO_4 solution。 在80摄氏度下搅拌4.5h
  2. 之后用去离子水稀释,之后过滤,使用去离子水清洗,直到PH=7
  3. 得到的滤液在真空30摄氏度下干燥一晚上
  4. 预先氧化的石墨烯分散到浓硫酸中,之后在剧烈搅拌的条件下缓慢加入KMnO4KMnO_4,之后再36摄氏度的条件下搅拌2h
  5. 之后使用去离子水稀释,在36摄氏度下搅拌2h
  6. 接下来将30%的H2O2H_2O_2添加到混合物中,颜 {MOD}会变为亮黄 {MOD},并伴有强烈的气泡
  7. 混合物搅拌1h,在10%的HCL中离心几次除去残留的盐块,之后透析来调节酸度
  8. 最后溶液在30度的真空下干燥凝聚。分散到DMF溶剂中,超声处理获得GO-DMF溶液
  9. 在混合石墨烯和PVDF之前,PVDF首先分散到DMF溶剂中,PVDF-DMF溶液(20 wt%)与GO-DMF(10mg/ml)混合。
  10. GO/PVDF浇注到玻璃基底和微圆顶模具中。浇注的溶液首先在加热板上50摄氏度干燥2h,之后早在160度的真空干燥炉中退火2h,将GO还原到rGO,去掉残留的DMF
两片rGO/PVDF有图案的一边面对面。堆叠几层,中间使用粘合层,粘合层与单层rGO/PVDF有相同的厚度。最后将两个铜电极粘附到顶部和底部使用银胶料。 制造3 × 3和4 × 8阵列,PET支撑层使用溅射系统溅射铂电极,multilayer interlocked microdome rGO/PVDF composite films被夹在电极中间。 看完这个过程迷得很。。。。。


rapid advances in physical/chemical sensors, wireless communication, and energy storage systems are driving the interest in wearable electronic devices, such as smartwatches, smartbands, and smartglasses, which enable the monitoring and diagnosis of personal health status in real time. 电子皮肤的威未来潜在用处
Flexible electronic skins (e-skins), which mimic perceptive functions of human skin, have attracted strong research interest as essential components of potential applications in robotics,prostheses, and wearable healthcare monitoring devices 实际应用的要求:高分辨率,快速响应,机械柔性和耐久性
High sensitivity, fast response time, mechanical flexibility, and durability are major requirements for e-skins used for these practical applications and various approaches focused on the improvement of these attributes[2-5] 另一个要求是能区分触觉刺激: Another significant requirement for e-skins with human skin-like tactile sensing properties is the discrimination of spatiotemporal tactile stimuli, including static and dynamic pressure, which allows dexterous manipulation of objects and the perception of vibration and surface textures[6,7] 集成到各种应用中的要求:大的动态响应范围和高灵敏度且具有线性响应特性
In addition, to use e-skins for various
applications as a single device, they should have a large dynamic sensing range and linear pressure-sensing capability to constantly maintain their high sensitivity, even in a high-pressure region[8,9] 举例说明能干啥 E-skins with a high sensitivity over a broad sensing range can perceive, for example, subtle pressure of a light breeze and respiration (<1 kPa), medium pressure of pulse pressure and gentle touch (1−10 kPa), and large pressure of plantar foot pressure (>10 kPa) 线性响应在信号处理中不需要复杂处理
Furthermore, e-skins with linear sensing ability over a large dynamic range do not require additional complex signal processing, which meets the increasing demand for device miniaturization and low power consumption 有研究只在提升前述要求的某一些,但是全部实现任然很有挑战性: Although several approaches have been adopted to improve some of the aforementioned requirements of e-skins, the combination of all of these properties in a single eskin remains a challenge[9-11] 另起一段:
介绍人体皮肤的原理 :
As an ideal sensory system, human skin can perceive and differentiate various tactile sensations under different mechanical stimuli.[12] In particular, various sensory receptors are embedded in the human skin, which transduce information from applied stimuli, such as magnitude, distribution, and frequency, into tactile sensation[13] 介绍皮肤结构:表皮和真皮之间的中间脊结构能高效的传输信号,并解释了一下原因 In addition, the special intermediate ridge structure between the dermal and epidermal layers efficiently transmits tactile signals from the skin surface to sensory receptors located in interlocked ridge structures due to the effective stress concentration between the dermal and epidermal layers with different moduli[14-16] 模拟人体皮肤,有很多种类的e-skins,基于不同的信号转换原理:压电,电容,压阻和摩擦电等
To mimic tactile sensing functions and structures of the human skin, various types of e-skins based on different signal transduction modes, including piezoresistivity, capacitance, piezoelectricity, and triboelectricity, have been developed[17-23] 同时也有很多不同的结构: 微金字塔状,微圆顶状,微柱状
In particular, various types of microstructures (e.g., micropyramids, microdomes, and micropillars) have attracted much attention with respect to the improvement of sensing characteristics of e-skins such as sensitivity, response time, sensing range, and durability Pan 基于空心球微结构的压力传感器[3]
Pan et al.3 demonstrated hollow sphere microstructure- based pressure sensors with a high sensitivity of 133 kPa−1, Su 受含羞草启发的无规律微结构:
Su et al.[24] designed an irregular microstructure for a mimosa-inspired pressure sensor with a high sensitivity of 50.17 kPa−1. 缺点:只能感知小的压力,基于压阻效应检测静态压力
However, the high sensitivity is only valid in subtle pressure regions (<100 Pa), and they can only detect static pressure using the piezoresistive sensing of e-skins. To differentiate spatiotemporal tactile stimuli, interlocked microdome-based e-skins have been suggested【7】 缺点:
This work showed highly sensitive and multifunctional tactile sensing performance with various transduction modes, but the dynamic pressure-sensing range was still under 50 kPa and a linear sensing capability could not be achieved 段结束:
实现大的动态压力感知和线性响应仍然是挑战 Therefore, a significant challenge remains in the development of e-skins with new device designs to realize a large dynamic pressure range and linear tactile sensing performances 另起一段:介绍本论文的工作 第一句:实现功能 based on 结构 In this paper, we demonstrate a flexible ferroelectric sensor with ultrahigh pressure sensitivity and linear response over an exceptionally broad pressure range based on the ferroelectric composites with a multilayer interlocked microdome geometry 第二句: 由于PVDF和rGO(还原石墨烯)的导电性和铁电性,能够感知静态和动态压力,基于压阻和压电效应。 Due to the conductive and ferroelectric nature of polymer composites comprising poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF) and reduced graphene oxide (rGO), our e-skins can perceive and differentiate static and dynamic pressures using piezoresistive and piezoelectric modes。 第三句: 接下来介绍结构组成:
Each layer of e-skins comprises interlocked microdome arrays inspired by interlocked ridge structures between the dermal and epidermal layers, and three interlocked layers are stacked for the fabrication of multilayer eskins. 在这里插入图片描述
第四句:解释线性响应的原因【Figure 1a】
While previous pressure sensors exhibit nonlinear or narrow range linear sensing, our e-skins can maintain their high- sensitivity and linear response over a broad pressure range due to the increased contact area change and efficient stress distribution between stacked layers compared with single-layered e-skins 第五句:说明器件性能
The multilayer e-skins can constantly maintain an ultrahigh sensitivity of 47.7 kPa−1 over an exceptionally broad pressure range of 0.0013−353 kPa. Furthermore, our sensor displayed a fast response time (20 ms) and high reliability over 5000 repetitive cycles even at an extremely high pressure of 272 kPa. 第六句:应用展示
For proof of concept, our e-skins were used for the monitoring of diverse stimuli from a low to a high pressure range (Figure 1b) 第七句:
For example, our e-skins were used for precise detection of weak gas flow and acoustic sound in a low-pressure regime and for monitoring respiration and pulse pressure in a medium-pressure regime. In addition, the large dynamic range pressure-sensing capability of e-skins was employed for plantar pressure monitoring in a high-pressure regime


这都不重要,得看48和49那两篇论文。 Figure 1c:整个器件结构的示意图:
A schematic of interlocked microdome multilayer e-skins for highly sensitive, linear, and large dynamic range pressure sensors is shown in Figure 1c 制造具有导电性和铁电性的rGO/PVDF复合薄膜,在DMF中的GO和PVDF首先转移到微圆顶模型中,在50摄氏度下干燥12h,之后再160摄氏度下退火2h移除残留的DMF和还原GO。
To fabricate conductive and ferroelectric rGO/PVDF composite films, mixtures of graphene oxide (GO) sheets with a PVDF matrix in dimethylformamide (DMF) were cast onto a microdome-patterned mold and dried at 50 °C for 12 h. Subsequently, GO/PVDF films were annealed at 160 °C for 2 h to completely remove residual DMF and reduce GO to rGO. Figure 1d 横截面的SEM图像
Figure 1d shows the cross-sectional scanning electron microscopy (SEM) image of an rGO/PVDF composite film with interlocked microdome multilayer
structures. Figure 1f:单层结构
Figure 1e shows a layer with interlocked microdome structures, where the microdome is 10 μm in diameter, 4 μm in height, and 12 μm in pitch size(Figure 1f)