* Common base class for things that need to show the battery usage graph.
public abstract class PowerUsageBase extends DashboardFragment {
protected abstract void refreshUi(@BatteryUpdateType int refreshType);
public void onCreate(Bundle icicle) {
mBatteryBroadcastReceiver = new BatteryBroadcastReceiver(getContext());
mBatteryBroadcastReceiver.setBatteryChangedListener(type -> {
* {@link} for {@link PowerUsageBase} to load
* the {@link BatteryStatsHelper}
public class PowerLoaderCallback implements LoaderManager.LoaderCallbacks {
private int mRefreshType;
public Loader onCreateLoader(int id,
Bundle args) {
mRefreshType = args.getInt(KEY_REFRESH_TYPE);
return new BatteryStatsHelperLoader(getContext());
public void onLoadFinished(Loader loader,
BatteryStatsHelper statsHelper) {
mStatsHelper = statsHelper;
public void onLoaderReset(Loader loader) {
2.1 PowerUsageSummary.refreshUi
* Displays a list of apps and subsystems that consume power, ordered by how much power was
* consumed since the last time it was unplugged.
public class PowerUsageSummary extends PowerUsageBase implements OnLongClickListener,
BatteryTipPreferenceController.BatteryTipListener {
protected void refreshUi(@BatteryUpdateType int refreshType) {
final Context context = getContext();
if (context == null) {
// 手动点击事件
public void onBatteryTipHandled(BatteryTip batteryTip) {
void restartBatteryTipLoader() {
getLoaderManager().restartLoader(BATTERY_TIP_LOADER, Bundle.EMPTY, mBatteryTipsCallbacks);
private LoaderManager.LoaderCallbacks> mBatteryTipsCallbacks =
new LoaderManager.LoaderCallbacks>() {
public Loader> onCreateLoader(int id, Bundle args) {
return new BatteryTipLoader(getContext(), mStatsHelper);
public void onLoadFinished(Loader> loader,
List data) {
public void onLoaderReset(Loader> loader) {
2.2 BatteryUtils.getBatteryInfo
* Loader to compute and return a battery tip list. It will always return a full length list even
* though some tips may have state {@code BaseBatteryTip.StateType.INVISIBLE}.
public class BatteryTipLoader extends AsyncLoader> {
private static final String TAG = "BatteryTipLoader";
public List loadInBackground() {
return getFakeData();
final BatteryInfo batteryInfo = mBatteryUtils.getBatteryInfo(mBatteryStatsHelper, TAG);
2.3 BatteryUtils.getBatteryInfo
* Utils for battery operation
public class BatteryUtils {
public BatteryInfo getBatteryInfo(final BatteryStatsHelper statsHelper, final String tag) {
final long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
// Stuff we always need to get BatteryInfo
// 获取电池广播
final Intent batteryBroadcast = mContext.registerReceiver(null,
new IntentFilter(Intent.ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED));
// 获取当前时间,并转换为us单位
final long elapsedRealtimeUs = PowerUtil.convertMsToUs(
final BatteryStats stats = statsHelper.getStats();
BatteryInfo batteryInfo;
final Estimate estimate;
// Get enhanced prediction if available
if (mPowerUsageFeatureProvider != null &&
mPowerUsageFeatureProvider.isEnhancedBatteryPredictionEnabled(mContext)) {// 这里默认为false,这里为基于用户使用
estimate = mPowerUsageFeatureProvider.getEnhancedBatteryPrediction(mContext);
} else {
// 预估时间对象
estimate = new Estimate(
// 预估时间
// 不基于用户使用
false /* isBasedOnUsage */,
BatteryUtils.logRuntime(tag, "BatteryInfoLoader post query", startTime);
// 参数(context, 电池广播,电池使用状态,预估时间,当前时间,长字符串显示)
batteryInfo = BatteryInfo.getBatteryInfo(mContext, batteryBroadcast, stats,
estimate, elapsedRealtimeUs, false /* shortString */);
BatteryUtils.logRuntime(tag, "BatteryInfoLoader.loadInBackground", startTime);
return batteryInfo;
public class PowerUsageFeatureProviderImpl implements PowerUsageFeatureProvider {
public boolean isEnhancedBatteryPredictionEnabled(Context context) {
return false;
2.3.2 Estimate 对象类
public class Estimate {
// Value to indicate averageTimeToDischarge could not be obtained
public static final int AVERAGE_TIME_TO_DISCHARGE_UNKNOWN = -1;
public final long estimateMillis;
public final boolean isBasedOnUsage;
public final long averageDischargeTime;
public Estimate(long estimateMillis, boolean isBasedOnUsage,
long averageDischargeTime) {
this.estimateMillis = estimateMillis;
this.isBasedOnUsage = isBasedOnUsage;
this.averageDischargeTime = averageDischargeTime;
* Compute an approximation for how much run time (in microseconds) is remaining on
* the battery. Returns -1 if no time can be computed: either there is not
* enough current data to make a decision, or the battery is currently
* charging.
* @param curTime The current elepsed realtime in microseconds.
public abstract long computeBatteryTimeRemaining(long curTime);
public long computeBatteryTimeRemaining() {
synchronized (mStats) {
long time = mStats.computeBatteryTimeRemaining(SystemClock.elapsedRealtime());
return time >= 0 ? (time/1000) : time;
public long computeBatteryTimeRemaining(long curTime) {
if (!mOnBattery) {
return -1;
/* Simple implementation just looks at the average discharge per level across the
entire sample period.
int discharge = (getLowDischargeAmountSinceCharge()+getHighDischargeAmountSinceCharge())/2;
if (discharge < 2) {
return -1;
long duration = computeBatteryRealtime(curTime, STATS_SINCE_CHARGED);
if (duration < 1000*1000) {
return -1;
long usPerLevel = duration/discharge;
return usPerLevel * mCurrentBatteryLevel;
if (mDischargeStepTracker.mNumStepDurations < 1) {
return -1;
long msPerLevel = mDischargeStepTracker.computeTimePerLevel();
if (msPerLevel <= 0) {
return -1;
return (msPerLevel * mCurrentBatteryLevel) * 1000;
public long computeBatteryRealtime(long curTime, int which) {
return mOnBatteryTimeBase.computeRealtime(curTime, which);
2.4 BatteryInfo.getBatteryInfo
public class BatteryInfo {
// 参数(context, 电池广播,电池使用状态,预估时间,当前时间,长字符串显示)
public static BatteryInfo getBatteryInfo(Context context, Intent batteryBroadcast,
BatteryStats stats, Estimate estimate, long elapsedRealtimeUs, boolean shortString) {
final long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
BatteryInfo info = new BatteryInfo();
info.mStats = stats;
info.batteryLevel = Utils.getBatteryLevel(batteryBroadcast);
info.batteryPercentString = Utils.formatPercentage(info.batteryLevel);
info.mCharging = batteryBroadcast.getIntExtra(BatteryManager.EXTRA_PLUGGED, 0) != 0;
info.averageTimeToDischarge = estimate.averageDischargeTime;
final Resources resources = context.getResources();
info.statusLabel = Utils.getBatteryStatus(resources, batteryBroadcast);
if (!info.mCharging) {
// 未充电
updateBatteryInfoDischarging(context, shortString, estimate, info);
} else {
// 充电
updateBatteryInfoCharging(context, batteryBroadcast, stats, elapsedRealtimeUs, info);
BatteryUtils.logRuntime(LOG_TAG, "time for getBatteryInfo", startTime);
return info;
private static final long SEVEN_MINUTES_MILLIS = TimeUnit.MINUTES.toMillis(7);
private static final long FIFTEEN_MINUTES_MILLIS = TimeUnit.MINUTES.toMillis(15);
private static final long ONE_DAY_MILLIS = TimeUnit.DAYS.toMillis(1);
private static final long TWO_DAYS_MILLIS = TimeUnit.DAYS.toMillis(2);
private static final long ONE_HOUR_MILLIS = TimeUnit.HOURS.toMillis(1);
/** Utility class for keeping power related strings consistent**/
public class PowerUtil {
* This method produces the text used in various places throughout the system to describe the
* remaining battery life of the phone in a consistent manner.
* @param context
* @param drainTimeMs The estimated time remaining before the phone dies in milliseconds.
* @param percentageString An optional percentage of battery remaining string.
* @param basedOnUsage Whether this estimate is based on usage or simple extrapolation.
* @return a properly formatted and localized string describing how much time remains
* before the battery runs out.
public static String getBatteryRemainingStringFormatted(Context context, long drainTimeMs,
@Nullable String percentageString, boolean basedOnUsage) {
if (drainTimeMs > 0) {
if (drainTimeMs <= SEVEN_MINUTES_MILLIS) {
// show a imminent shutdown warning if less than 7 minutes remain
return getShutdownImminentString(context, percentageString);
} else if (drainTimeMs <= FIFTEEN_MINUTES_MILLIS) {
// show a less than 15 min remaining warning if appropriate
CharSequence timeString = StringUtil.formatElapsedTime(context,
false /* withSeconds */);
return getUnderFifteenString(context, timeString, percentageString);
} else if (drainTimeMs >= TWO_DAYS_MILLIS) {
// just say more than two day if over 48 hours
return getMoreThanTwoDaysString(context, percentageString);
} else if (drainTimeMs >= ONE_DAY_MILLIS) {
// show remaining days & hours if more than a day
return getMoreThanOneDayString(context, drainTimeMs,
percentageString, basedOnUsage);
} else {
// show the time of day we think you'll run out
return getRegularTimeRemainingString(context, drainTimeMs,
percentageString, basedOnUsage);
return null;
为充电时,当预估时间大于1天,则提示电量剩余使用时间超过 x 天
"电量剩余使用时间超过 %1$s"
private static String getMoreThanTwoDaysString(Context context, String percentageString) {
final Locale currentLocale = context.getResources().getConfiguration().getLocales().get(0);
final MeasureFormat frmt = MeasureFormat.getInstance(currentLocale, FormatWidth.SHORT);
final Measure daysMeasure = new Measure(2, MeasureUnit.DAY);
return TextUtils.isEmpty(percentageString)
? context.getString(R.string.power_remaining_only_more_than_subtext,
: context.getString(
} getMoreThanOneDayString
为充电时,当预估时间大于1天,则提示大约还可使用 1 days, 5 hr, 40 min, 29 sec
"根据您的使用情况,大约还可使用 %1$s""大约还可使用 %1$s"
private static String getMoreThanOneDayString(Context context, long drainTimeMs,
String percentageString, boolean basedOnUsage) {
final long roundedTimeMs = roundTimeToNearestThreshold(drainTimeMs, ONE_HOUR_MILLIS);
CharSequence timeString = StringUtil.formatElapsedTime(context,
false /* withSeconds */);
if (TextUtils.isEmpty(percentageString)) {
int id = basedOnUsage
? R.string.power_remaining_duration_only_enhanced
: R.string.power_remaining_duration_only;
return context.getString(id, timeString);
} else {
int id = basedOnUsage
? R.string.power_discharging_duration_enhanced
: R.string.power_discharging_duration;
return context.getString(id, timeString, percentageString);
/** Utility class for generally useful string methods **/
public class StringUtil {
* Returns elapsed time for the given millis, in the following format:
* 2 days, 5 hr, 40 min, 29 sec
* @param context the application context
* @param millis the elapsed time in milli seconds
* @param withSeconds include seconds?
* @return the formatted elapsed time
public static CharSequence formatElapsedTime(Context context, double millis,
boolean withSeconds) {
SpannableStringBuilder sb = new SpannableStringBuilder();
int seconds = (int) Math.floor(millis / 1000);
if (!withSeconds) {
// Round up.
seconds += 30;
int days = 0, hours = 0, minutes = 0;
if (seconds >= SECONDS_PER_DAY) {
days = seconds / SECONDS_PER_DAY;
seconds -= days * SECONDS_PER_DAY;
if (seconds >= SECONDS_PER_HOUR) {
hours = seconds / SECONDS_PER_HOUR;
seconds -= hours * SECONDS_PER_HOUR;
if (seconds >= SECONDS_PER_MINUTE) {
minutes = seconds / SECONDS_PER_MINUTE;
seconds -= minutes * SECONDS_PER_MINUTE;
final ArrayList measureList = new ArrayList(4);
if (days > 0) {
measureList.add(new Measure(days, MeasureUnit.DAY));
if (hours > 0) {
measureList.add(new Measure(hours, MeasureUnit.HOUR));
if (minutes > 0) {
measureList.add(new Measure(minutes, MeasureUnit.MINUTE));
if (withSeconds && seconds > 0) {
measureList.add(new Measure(seconds, MeasureUnit.SECOND));
if (measureList.size() == 0) {
// Everything addable was zero, so nothing was added. We add a zero.
measureList.add(new Measure(0, withSeconds ? MeasureUnit.SECOND : MeasureUnit.MINUTE));
final Measure[] measureArray = measureList.toArray(new Measure[measureList.size()]);
final Locale locale = context.getResources().getConfiguration().locale;
final MeasureFormat measureFormat = MeasureFormat.getInstance(
locale, FormatWidth.SHORT);
if (measureArray.length == 1 && MeasureUnit.MINUTE.equals(measureArray[0].getUnit())) {
// Add ttsSpan if it only have minute value, because it will be read as "meters"
final TtsSpan ttsSpan = new TtsSpan.MeasureBuilder().setNumber(minutes)
sb.setSpan(ttsSpan, 0, sb.length(), Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE);
return sb;
} getRegularTimeRemainingString
为充电时,当预估时间大于15分钟小于1天,则提示估计大约还能用到xx h, xx min, xx sec
private static String getRegularTimeRemainingString(Context context, long drainTimeMs,
String percentageString, boolean basedOnUsage) {
// Get the time of day we think device will die rounded to the nearest 15 min.
final long roundedTimeOfDayMs =
System.currentTimeMillis() + drainTimeMs,
// convert the time to a properly formatted string.
String skeleton = android.text.format.DateFormat.getTimeFormatString(context);
DateFormat fmt = DateFormat.getInstanceForSkeleton(skeleton);
Date date = Date.from(Instant.ofEpochMilli(roundedTimeOfDayMs));
CharSequence timeString = fmt.format(date);
if (TextUtils.isEmpty(percentageString)) {
int id = basedOnUsage
? R.string.power_discharge_by_only_enhanced
: R.string.power_discharge_by_only;
return context.getString(id, timeString);
} else {
int id = basedOnUsage
? R.string.power_discharge_by_enhanced
: R.string.power_discharge_by;
return context.getString(id, timeString, percentageString);
2.6 充电 BatteryInfo.updateBatteryInfoCharging
"还需 %1$s充满电""正在充电"
public class BatteryInfo {
private static void updateBatteryInfoCharging(Context context, Intent batteryBroadcast,
BatteryStats stats, long elapsedRealtimeUs, BatteryInfo info) {
final Resources resources = context.getResources();
// 预估充电时间
final long chargeTime = stats.computeChargeTimeRemaining(elapsedRealtimeUs);
// 电池状态
final int status = batteryBroadcast.getIntExtra(BatteryManager.EXTRA_STATUS,
info.discharging = false;
// 预估充电时间大于0且未充满电,则显示还需 xx,充满电
if (chargeTime > 0 && status != BatteryManager.BATTERY_STATUS_FULL) {
info.remainingTimeUs = chargeTime;
CharSequence timeString = StringUtil.formatElapsedTime(context,
PowerUtil.convertUsToMs(info.remainingTimeUs), false /* withSeconds */);
int resId = R.string.power_charging_duration;
info.remainingLabel = context.getString(
R.string.power_remaining_charging_duration_only, timeString);
info.chargeLabel = context.getString(resId, info.batteryPercentString, timeString);
// 默认显示:xx%电量,正在充电
} else {
final String chargeStatusLabel = resources.getString(
info.remainingLabel = null;
info.chargeLabel = info.batteryLevel == 100 ? info.batteryPercentString :
resources.getString(R.string.power_charging, info.batteryPercentString,