
2019-04-14 21:39发布

本文为瑞典查尔姆斯理工大学(作者:JOHAN BORGLIN)的信号系统硕士论文,共68页。 人工神经网络ANNs用于手臂肌电信号(EMG)的分类。使用SmartHand项目的信号放大器采集卡,从患者手臂采集16通道EMG信号并进行滤波。从特征提取中将肌电信号进行时域分类后,利用简单的反向传播网络进行训练。在训练过程中,病人按预定义的手势移动手指;训练结束后,患者可以通过复制训练过程中的动作来移动假手。 每根手指的运动对应一个神经网络的训练,在任何给定的时间,当只有其中一根手指伸缩时,都可以获得很好的效果。在大多数的测试中,患者能够以这种方式使用所有的手指。(不能让多根手指同时运动!!!) 额外的测试是在同一时间使用几根手指,这种测试仅仅在某些情况下成功完成。 研究结果表明,人工神经网络可以作为类似SmartHand项目的分类器,但是如果需要完成高级运动,那么在训练网络时必须非常小心。 这项工作于2010秋季在瑞典隆德大学工程学院电气测量系(LTH)进行。 Artificial neural networks (ANNs) an arm. Using a amplifiercard from the SmartHand project, 16-channel EMG signals were collected from thepatients arm and filtered. After time-domain were used to classify EMG signalsfrom feature extraction, simple back-propagation training was used to train thenetworks. During the training the patient moved his fingers according to apredefined patter. After the training, the patient could move an artificialhand by duplicating the movements made during training. One network wasimplemented for each finger, and good results were achieved when only onefinger was contracted at any given time. The patient was able to use all the fingersin this way in a majority of the tests. Additional tests were made with usingseveral fingers at the same time. This was done successfully only in some ofthe tries. The results show that ANNs are a possible candidate as a classifierfor a project like the SmartHand project, but that great care has to be takenwhen training the networks, if advanced motions are desired. The work wascarried out at the Department for Electrical Measurements, the Faculty ofEngineering (LTH), Lund University during thefall of 2010. 1 引言 2 项目背景 3 问题定义及局限性 4 理论研究 5 方法设计 6 实验结果及讨论 7 结论 附录A C++代码 在这里插入图片描述 下载英文原文地址: http://page2.dfpan.com/fs/fl5c0j92228162e9160/ 更多精彩文章请关注微信号:在这里插入图片描述